Two Fun Things in One Post.

| December 31, 2011

Been busy AND having some local technical difficulties. Gonna see if this works?

Ron Paul has been at it again, and our own USN has been testy. The author of the piece does a nice job, but misses a coupla salient points.

This essence is that our Navy has declared that Iran CAN NOT close the Straits of Hormuz. What can go wrong?

And Ron Paul says it’s our fault anyway. What can go wrong?

Category: Geezer Alert!

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“I think we’re looking for trouble because we put these horrendous sanctions on Iran,” Paul told a midday audience at the Hotel Pattee in Perry, Iowa. He said the Iranians are “planning to be bombed” and understandably would like to have a nuclear weapon, even though there is “no evidence whatsoever” that they have “enriched” uranium.”

Well, Dr. Moron, there is no evidence whatsoever that Iran is planning to be bombed, either. I guess if they don’t plan to build a nuclear weapon, then no one would bomb them? Maybe Dr. Moron should be bitching about the Iranians? His logic is as warped as ever.

Old Trooper

The above post is me


The simple response is that if the Iranian bathtub Navy tries to close the Straits, we lay such utter waste to their coastline, they will never entertain the notion of fielding a boat again.


Jesus, he won’t be happy until he welds the entire US Navy to the pier. I’ve never met someone as clueless and ass-backwards about foreign policy, and that includes Obama.


Back in 2007, Iran claimed to have 3000 centrifuges. They didn’t pull that number out of thin air. They weren’t just making shit up. That number is very specific. That is the number, roughly, needed to enrich raw uranium into bomb worthy material. Since then, everytime they’ve claimed to have expanded their facilities, it’s always multiples of 3000. It was a threat. Any one who claims otherwise is a fool. Ron Paul will weaken this country. Worse than Obama.


My train of thought is; glass ’em! Let God sort ’em out….

Doc Bailey

I’m not sure of the Surface capabilities, but I could tell you a small Wolfpack of 688 boats would make short work of any Iranian “Navy”.

The more you cut the DoD Right now though, the more shit like this is going to happen. Cutting the Budget by $800B may have seemed like a great way to save some money. . . you kinda tend to forget that the Army and MC have sucked up most of the Budget for the last 10 years. So much so that the Navy and AF have been putting things off because they understood the need to support the war effort. But We’ve boned ourselves here.

We have no Bomber to replace the Strike Eagle, our C-17s are being incredibly stressed (flying almost non-stop) our C-130’s need to be upgraded/replaced. And while Drones may seem like the Cheap options, the recent Iranian ability to jam our drones (and our subsequent failure to destroy it) make it clear that option is really a No-Go for good reasons.

The Navy has to replace all its SSBNs soon. The Enterprise is almost 50 years old. Its a proud ship, but a tired one, and they really need to expedite on the ship building here. And again, what do we have to replace our aging Ticonderoga class?

Ron Paul: we have all detailed and explained how dangerously Naive he is. Who really wants to fight Iran? Land area is more than Iraq and Iran combined and while taking out the government of Iran would probably settle the WHOLE ME, we are not really ready (or willing as a nation) to screw around for another 10 years. I don’t know who the hell these people that thirst for War with Iran. I’m pretty sure that most of the Generals that know whatever War Plan covers Iran has taken one look at it and said “oh dear God no!”


““no evidence whatsoever” that they have “enriched” uranium.”” Well, Fox just reported that Iran announced that they have completed uranium enrichment and have their first fuel rod.
So, Ronpaul is wrong about yet another significant item.

Joseph Brown

We think the “empty suit” is bad, can you imagine what this empty head would be like?


@8 – Let’s throw a caveat in there…Iran “claims” to have produced their first fuel rod.


@#10, you’re right, sorry. That’s what I meant to say, Iran claims to have enriched uranium and produced the first fuel rod.