Sheep, Wolves, Sheepdogs II

| November 23, 2011

I’m preaching to the choir but reaffirmation of what we already know is muscle memory, a good thing. This article was produced in 2004 or that is when I got it. As you see, the man impressed me. It will never be old. I can only bring a few things to the table for consideration of peers that are between attack and the old folks home.

Sheep, one of my favorite animals, are very susceptible to harm with their eyes on the sides of the head they are non-predatory. Humans have the predatory characteristics and the ability to reason if we fall victim to an attack it is because we did not think about the consequences of a possible situation. Some, deny danger and they are the true sheeplike targets. We won’t talk about ambush at this point because that is a surprise situation designed for predation.

I have spent my whole life beginning as a nervous skinny kid thinking about leveling my odds if attacked. Mr. Colt, Smith and Wesson certainly added to the solution. When we are not fighting the attack we should be thinking about the next attack, the next attack is the meat here. Knives are elementary. If you do not have one you probably should not leave the bedroom, never mind the house. Which knife? Have several to match the occasion from cleaning fingernails to hacking down a tree. Firearms, need to be accessible, whether they are in your hand or not depends on how comfortable you are with the situation, I would think.

Why do we carry sidearms? Because a cop is too heavy, shotguns are not compatible with shorts, and rifles are the ultimate but they make sheep nervous. If the caliber doesn’t start with a four or five it doesn’t count, obviously has never spoken with a person with a .22 hole in the forehead. Revolvers versus autos? Depends. In an up close ideal attack my defense carry would never leave my pocket except to reload, I cannot get an auto to cycle in my pocket and I might be hesitant to leave more than the projectile around should it be necessary to leave. I don’t think an assailant should ever see your carry only hear it momentarily. Don’t, get me wrong. High capacity autos are the answer to fire superiority, we need that from time to time, usually not at the food court. Rifles, shotguns or sidearms, probably one of each is a good place to start, not which one. Caliber, trying to figure that out is like removing a cap on bottled beer, whatever works.

Stand, lead, follow or get out of the way, basics of life. The person that believes they are “All Set” probably has never been ambushed. We are never “All Set” but we need a contingency plan for most occasions, firearms provide a great deal of security. Fight or flight can solve fifty percent of most problems of attack but my old bones do not spin on a dime anymore and my rapid acceleration running has declined. I would not pick a fight and damn sure hate to lose one. The recovery process, if there is one, can be slow. The seven yard stance is secure and the accuracy is adequate. The big decision is how do we want to dress today, defensive, offensive or wool. If it is just cold the latter will do just fine.

Semper fi,

If a fence will not work on the Southwest border why don’t we take down the one around the White House?….Vote Republican we need both……….par

Category: Politics

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I dunno, I guess I live in a good neighborhood. I’ve never been ambushed, never needed a gun (although a few red necks in Ford F-350’s have hassled me on my bike). Either PeterR lives in a bad part of town, or if he expects an ambush around every corner, he has PTSD. Life even off the battlefield, is full of risks. To prepare for every trip to the grocery store as if you were patrolling an alley in the Korengal Valley seems a little absurd.


“In an up close ideal attack my defense carry would never leave my pocket except to reload”


Old Trooper

Ah yes, Joe the genius is speaking up. Well, Joe, please explain to me how my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, who live in an upscale neighborhood in Minneapolis, had the opportunity to see a van come through the alley and back up into their gated driveway, open the gate and keep on backing up toward the house in broad daylight? My sister-in-law was home with her two 5 year old children when this was taking place and they don’t have any firearms/baseball bats/etc. for protection. Had she not been looking out the kitchen window, they would have probably made it in the house before she could react. Yeah, it’s an upscale area with a bunch of well to do leftists living there, nice, ripe for the pickings types. She would have been able to probably call the police before being killed, so she had that going for her. Plus, a month earlier in my mother-in-law’s upper middle class neighborhood in a well to do suburb had several home invasions during the day with the same MO of what appears to be a service van, so the neighbors don’t pay any attention.

The moral of those stories is this: It doesn’t matter where you live, how much money you make, how liberal you are, etc. You are not immune to being a victim. Whether you are still breathing afterwards, if you are not armed, is up to the bad guy, not you.

As the old saying goes, Joe; a leftist is a conservative that hasn’t been mugged, yet.

BTW I love your “rednecks in Ford F-350s” bullshit. Nice, real nice. Maybe if you weren’t riding your bike in the middle of the road, they wouldn’t have hassled you?


#2 Spade…yeah, my reaction too. Use the bumpy things on the top…press trigger straight to the rear…repeat as necessary.

As for Joe, not surprising at all…but wait until some punk decides to take everything from you one day…including your life…I bet you end up squealing like the little Bitch we all know you are, pleading for your miserable life.

Or, assuming you’re married or have a GF…said punk(s) decide to introduce her to the joys of hood cock…and you can’t do shit about it, and they even force you to watch…YOU let it happen by being a pussy.

I could feel pity for her…but never for you…

Zero Ponsdorf

I prefer a wheel gun myself. I dunno about shooting it from a pocket though. Seems like it’d start a fire?

Jonn Lilyea

Spigot: I’m pretty sure that Joe would pay to watch. And Joe, maybe those decent Americans driving the American-made pick up truck wouldn’t hassle you if you weren’t riding your Hello Kitty bike.


Joe personifies the “it’s never gonna happen to me” attitude that’s gotten many people killed for many different reasons. H’es clearly on the sheep end of the continuum.


Joe personifies the “it’s never gonna happen to me” attitude that’s gotten many people killed for many different reasons. He’s clearly on the sheep end of the continuum.




Joe, Do you really think my neighborhood would be bad? Of course not. There are not any trip wires, last danger was a 300 lb black bear and all I had was a watering can in my hand.
Absurdity is in the eyes of the beholder. You seem very confident so why even read material such as this? Don’t buy a gun, I don’t want you to have it. You don’t need it, just get a light throttle spring for your bike so your wrist can handle it and keep on truckin.

Semper fi, big guy


Always a good read, the sheep thing. And like a true sheeple, Joe believes it won’t happen to him because he may be choosing not to own a gun, or shoot someone…that is until something goes awry in his fantasyland. People like Joe don’t understand your moral Ol Trooper…


>I dunno, I guess I live in a good neighborhood. I’ve never been ambushed, never needed a gun

You are also a man. I live in a good neighborhood,but I am also a woman who needs to even the score with protection. My husband deploys and EVERYONE in the neighborhood knows it. It takes one! Not everyone murdered, raped, mugged etc. live in a bad neighborhood. In fact, aren’t you being a little “racist and classist” by thinking that only criminals are poor?


*murderer, rapist, mugger

Doc Bailey

Joe you ignorant incompetent fool. the “PTSD” crap shows how much of an intolerant boob you are, and the “rednecks” with F-350’s proves you’re a racist.

You ever think that maybe the reason you live in a good neighborhood is BECAUSE of those folks? Criminals do not attack the strong. They attack the weak. If you were ever to suffer such, believe me Joe, you would be one of the weak.


Nope. Not in my neighborhood!

We are not expecting trouble, but we are prepared for it and are grateful every day when there is none. We don’t actually give it much thought because we know that our survival skills are well honed even if a tad rusty.

Just curious, Joe. Do you ever lock your doors? If so, then you are doing exactly what the rest of us are doing – protecting yourself and your stuff from others.


Maybe Joe’s world consists of the right three foot of the traffic lane he is supposed to occupy on his bicycle and those “rednecks” felt he was using four foot instead?


I love the people that claim nothing bad will never happen because they “live in a good neighborhood”. Do you really think the thugs only rob in the ghetto? Hell no, the nice stuff is in the good ‘hood’s so that’s where they go. They’re far too likely to come out with nothing but food stamps and a bullet if they try to rob their neighbors in the ghetto.

2-17 AirCav

According to the FBI’s Crime Clock, during 2010 a murder occurred every 35.6 minutes, a forcible rape every 6.2 minutes, a robbery every 1.4 minutes, a burglary every 14. 6 seconds, and an aggravated assault every 40.5 seconds. You can draw, double tap, and re-holster faster than any of those times. Of course, if you aren’t armed, the clock stops.


“As the old saying goes, Joe; a leftist is a conservative that hasn’t been mugged, yet.” As a follow-up to that very good point, a burglary or larceny is only a property crime until the victim is at home.


“…my old bones do not spin on a dime anymore and my rapid acceleration running has declined.”

I hear ya. I just ain’t hittin’ on all ten all the time. Fighting a holding action on the waist, too. Alas …