The cost of the supercommittee’s failure

| November 23, 2011

Van Jones, that commie puke who almost got into the White House is cheering the super committee’s failures this week in the Huffington Post;

…the Bush tax cuts will automatically expire at the end of next year and $600 billion of cuts in defense will go into effect automatically [which would be truly historic] in January 2013 if Congress does nothing.

Yeah, that’s what our adversaries are banking on (Fox News link sent by Old Trooper);

Russia will deploy new missiles aimed at U.S. missile defense sites in Europe if Washington goes ahead with the planned shield despite Russia’s concerns, President Dmitry Medvedev said Wednesday.

Yeah, why should they worry since we’re slashing our military to 1940 levels. You remember 1940, right? Our soldiers were training with two-by-four wooden rifles and jeeps with tank cutouts over them.

In another link from Old Trooper, on Yahoo/APF, the US will retaliate by not reporting our conventional to Russia;

The United States said Tuesday it would no longer provide data to Russia on conventional weapons and troops in Europe, citing non-compliance by Moscow with a two-decade old treaty that governed the information exchange.

Yeah, like Russia doesn’t know our strength from reading Stars & STtripes or by driving by the kassernes in their Mercedes. I feel safer already.

Oh, for the story on the lead picture, go here.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Foreign Policy, Military issues

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He bows and kisses asses…and get’s the finger for his efforts.

Seems right to me.


Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it or something like that. Remember Task Force Smith

Doc Bailey

And when the world goes to hell in a handbasket GUESS who they’ll turn to to fix shit. . .not going to be us because the “promised one” F**ked shit up.


To pick nits: the Super Committee was designed, and staffed, to fail. Speaker Boehner got played, and played again. The Super Committee SUCCEEDED. Which, while not a first in DC, is rare enough that it should be recognised. Bravo Super Committee for Succeeding in your mission!

And for the Ancient Old Farts, a history question: anyone remember Scope Training?


@4, DaveO…yeah, I remember Scope Training…predecessor to MILES, correct?