Welcome to The Imaginarium

| November 20, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson puts it all together with ribbons and a wry twist or two that makes for a fun, if a bit frightening, read.

Obama’s Imaginarium

It’s a bit long for some so let me quote the last paragraph as a tease:

In the imaginarium, community organizer Barack Obama never lived in a small mansion. John “two Americas” Edwards never lived in a big one. “Earth in the balance” Al Gore never lived in a few of them, and yacht owning John Kerry never lived in lots of them. You see in the imaginarium of Barack Obama you can be whatever you wish to be. Just wishing and saying something can wonderfully make it so.

I found myself chuckling here and there… and then I realized it ain’t the least bit humorous.


Category: Geezer Alert!

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After all that has happened, that Obama the Snake Oil Salesman still enjoys 35+% approval IMO, does not bode well for the Republic.

I guess we’ll see in November 2012. If either Obama or Romney Obama lite) wins, we’re toast.


Shotgun shells and potable water will be the order of the day.

2-17 AirCav

@2. Just saying means that TAH will probably be featured in the next Dept of Homeland Security terrorist awareness film. But on the lefty’s websites and blogs, one can advocate all sorts of crimes, including murdering police officers, and that’s just dandy. Everything is upside down.