Matthis inciting OWS

| November 20, 2011

Our favorite disgraced IVAW member is trying to incite OWS protesters with his arrogant use of his false military experience again, writing n the Huffington Post;

These operations do not strike me as random. What the police are engaging in looks like a military crowd control tactic called ‘snatch and grab,’ something I practiced in training on various occasions in the military.

Yeah, all of you military journalists who did riot control training, raise your hands. Yeah, none.

But, that’s OK, he’s faking his own importance in the OWS protests, too;

“Dude, they’re scoping you out,” said a fellow protester, and pointed to a police group in the rear of the police line. A few white shirts… and a few others. One had a camera pointed right at me. I felt pointedly threatened, like they’d recognized me and I’d been marked. When the ‘snatch and grabs’ began at Zuccotti, I knew I couldn’t stick around.

Yeah, nothing worse than an arrogant chickenshit. I’m sure matthis is just that important that the police want to single him out of a crowd of smelly hippies because he’s such an effective leader…he’s so effective that when they take his picture, he scurries away like a frightened chipmunk and writes a missive to warn everone else.

If this is the first you’re reading about Matthis, he joined the Army voluntarily to avoid a charge for selling drugs near a school playground, served a tour in Japan, then Germany where he took a TDY trip to Afghanistan for six days and calls himself an Afghanistan veteran. Then he skipped out on his recall to active duty from the IRR and calls himself a “war resister” – he never opposed the war against terror until it was his turn to go. He left the IVAW because they wouldn’t completely sign on to his flag-burning antics while wearing their T-shirt.

He regularly takes his lies to classrooms and tells high school students what the Army will do to them when he has no idea what military life is really like. He tells about atrocities they commit, although his experiences with war are limited to “no shit” bar room stories.

He was a military journalist who never took part in riot-control training. the Army doesn’t waste their time training people who’ll never need that training.

Mattis is a chump who still thinks that basic training was hard because that’s the hardest he had it in his five years of military service. Matthis regularly encourages people to take chances that he would never involve himself in, that’s why he’s telling OWS protesters to stick with the fight while he himself hides out in his girlfriend’s apartment.

Thanks to a nameless ninja for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Occupy

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“One had a camera pointed right at me. I felt pointedly threatened, like they’d recognized me and I’d been marked. When the ‘snatch and grabs’ began at Zuccotti, I knew I couldn’t stick around”.
Methis is a legend in his own mind. Don’t worry Methis, they take pictures all the time, it makes it easier than trying to track your skinny ass down later, after you throw a rock from behind the line of females. They can just show the pics to one of the cops who saw you throw it, so he can ID you.
You knew you couldn’t stick around? That translates to, much like the other occutards, I don’t think the girls can hold up the cops long enough for me to throw something and then run away.


This guy’s a questionable stain on the carpet that smells funny and won’t go away…


OK – to be fair, I’m a military journalist – both 46Q and R – and I DID get riot control training before I deployed to Kosovo for a year. Everyone did, no matter what their MOS was. It was needed for the type of deployment this was. Rioting in Kosovo – especially in northern Mitro is common to this day.

That doesn’t make him any less full of shit, though.

The Duke

Anyone wanna see the current conversation I am having with Dahlia Wasfi on Facebook? I sent the first message on August 7… She responded last week. Brian Duke You are very disrespectful. Why would anyone pose under the guise of “peace” as a medium to spread hatred and misery. You need to find peace with yourself before you start casting stones at others. Anyone who would put faith in a “leader” such as yourself is lost. # Dahlia Wasfi Hi Brian– Thanks for your message. Can you be more specific about your assessment of me as “disrespectful”? Sincerely, Dahlia # Brian Duke 14 hours ago When 31 American troops were killed you posted a link to it with the message “Translation:Get Out”. How is this anything but disrespectful to the families of the men who died? # Dahlia Wasfi about an hour ago * If Americans were under a brutal occupation by a foreign military, what do you think we would do to them? What would you do if the occupiers harmed the little one in your profile picture? Maybe took an ear or a finger as a souvenir? ( It’s no different for anyone else around the world. As Mark Twain said, “The truth shall set you free, but first it will make you uncomfortable.” You’re not overseas fighting for your country; you’re killing people to make corporations richer, and you do it because you get paid to do it. I don’t see anyone volunteering for the military for free. Until you stop being a mercenary, you’re in no position to lecture anyone on “respect.” Get a clue. # Brian Duke about a minute ago No miss… you need to get a clue… you have no idea the day to day workings of the military. The men who went on a rampage did so under no orders from higher. They have no moral code and do not represent the military as a whole. Much the same as you and your people claim the occupy protestors who defecate on sidewalks, rape women, and use babies as human shields while heckling… Read more »


“he’s so effective that when they take his picture, he scurries away like a frightened chipmunk and writes a missive to warn everyone else.” Heh. A disciple of the Obama “Lead From Behind” Doctrine, no doubt.

2-17 AirCav


“I don’t see anyone volunteering for the military for free.”

I wrote much in response to that line of Miss Dahlia’s. I then deleted it all. She just would not get it. She just wouldn’t. Most wouldn’t. That’s why some of us come here.

Maytag --- Nam 66/67

As an exposed fake and Bull shiter why does he still get idiots to listen to his crap– He ought to running out of idiots to listen to his fake crap.


Don’t know, OWS is a pretty big group of idiots, useful or not…


What the police are doing is taken from our military playbook: they are gathering intel for their analysts to develop. What’s missing is the District Attorney’s Office. Police have to be able to turn over enough evidence (likely circumstantial) to the DA.

We calling this collecting and processing operation “Law Enforcement 101.”

Do believe matthis’s lies have been spread around enough that no one will believe the authorities when they reveal facts pertaining to his character.


Someone tell Methis that it wasn’t the law taking his pics, it actually was relatives of a young woman or two in the Philliines. Bet he wouldn’t show his face within 100 miles of any Occutard site.

Doc Bailey

Methinks Matthis doth protest too much.

Is it just me or do almost all of the anti-war crowd suffer from borderline paranoid schizophrenia? Matthis thinks he’s being targeted by a police department that probably doesn’t have a clue who he is (though if they did they’d probably have legitimate reasons to arrest him). Cindy Sheehan thinks Iraq is a conspiracy, and that she’d make a great president. Medea thinks that there’s a corporate plot to make Muslims die in horrible ways (they’ve got the religion of peace see?) and Gordon Duff. . . where could one even begin with him? I honestly think we should find some vets with a psychology/sociology degree and do a study on them. I really do think the majority of the anti-war “movement” are mentally ill.


They are. They always have been. But, they were given authority over almost all education in the past (fill in the blank of however many decades depending on if you start counting back in the 1920’s or some date since then). Certifiable, by old school rules. But they also changed all the “diseases,” making many which are truly life choices into something only they can “treat.”

And yes, those sociology and psychology degrees put a lot of folks right up there in their faces! Some of us even made it through relatively unscathed. Paranoid, perhaps, because we know with certitude exactly what they are up to. Oh, wait – that isn’t really paranoia!

Army Sergeant

A lot of IVAW have been in and out of that protest. No one has mentioned seeing Matthis. I think he’s probably there only long enough for a photo op and to write for Huffington, but not long enough to risk himself or suffer any discomfort.

Bert and Ernie

Selena Coppa (Army Sergeant), you are the biggest tool in the movement! And, EVERYBODY knows you’re an informant! That’s why Mathis left IVAW and so did the rest of us. Not because of a stupid flag burning. We left because he catch you sneaking around, hanging out with your This Aint Hell friends and giving them information on IVAW people you don’t like. (Selena is IVAW’s membership coordinator, which means she can access to every IVAW member’s DD214. If you are an IVAW member, you should know your private information is not safe in the national office!)

What’s messed up is for a long time, all of us tried to out you as the spy you are, but it was MATHIS who always defended you, despite the fact that he hated your politics and we hated him for defending you. He even talked about your kid like she was family to him or something. We all saw how bad he was hurt when he found out about your betrayal. He was sticking up for you, and the whole time, you were going behind his back with the haters on this website who leech off his hard work and publicity to sell prostitution adds, or rather, “mutually beneficial relationships,” to their rapist, right-wing supporters. Selena, you are despicable. You have no honor or dignity or integrity. You can’t be trusted, BY ANYONE! TAH, she’ll betray you too, like she does everyone else.

Congrats on the new job, Matthis! (If you ever read this) I see this one story is more popular on Facebook than TAH’s entire website! We all get much satisfaction from knowing that. Keep up the good work! You’re doing it for all of us. If you’re reading this, remember Bert and Ernie! We love you, rubber ducky! Peace.

2-17 AirCav

Hey B and E: Ever wonder why Matthis defended the spy? Ever wonder why Matthis really left IVAW? Come on, you’re smart. You heard the rumors. Don’t deny the truth any longer. It will indeed set you free. It’s not difficult. Just repeat these words: “Matthis was the mole. It was Matthis all along.”


HA, says the douche who hides behind anonymity, that someone else has no honor.

You’re a fucking tool. Selena hasn’t given me shit for info on any of you dirtbags ever. I get it all from others inside the group.

Old Trooper

Bert and Ernie; I agree with TSO; you’re a douche. Selena may be a lot more rational than you, but that doesn’t mean she’s a spy for TAH. Just because we can have a mutual respect for each other doesn’t mean we agree on pretty much anything. In fact, she even ignored my friend request in FB over a year ago. I was deeply hurt, at first, until I realized that she probably did it to appease others within the group, who would think like you. Besides; don’t go talking about rapists in the same paragraph as you talk about Matthis. Maybe the problem is Selena is grown up and more mature than you (of course, when you start using Sesame street characters and “rubber ducky”, it’s kind of a dead giveaway that, in fact, she is much more mature than you).

Leave her alone and go back to mooching off others. As for Matthis working hard…….yeah, right.

2-17 AirCav

TSO: The jig is up. Go ahead and give them the Matthis stuff. This has gone on for long enough.

spc w/ major migraine

This guy is totally smarmy (Chiroux)…like dried spooge rag nasty…I deployed in 2002 (Afghanistan) and 2003 (Iraq) and had very strong reservations about Iraq. Went anyway and did my job (minus extraneous tales of war crimes) (glad I missed Macbeth too, only read about him recently…wow!) I did get to spend 2 weeks in Qatar, is there a special medal for that super long tour of rest and relaxation, signed by Chiroux perhaps? I even thought about joining IVAW (being a lefty, myself) but instead elected to rejoin the army (USAR this time) instead. This guy discredits everything…actually makes me feel shame for him..really…its awful.