Who is teaching your kids?

| November 10, 2011

Ya know, when I read shit like this, it’s no wonder that the brainless college kids are acting like they do in Berkeley and Harvard. Michael Graham at 96.9 FM Boston Talks relates the letter a Suffolk Law School group received in response to their solicitation for stuff to send to troops serving overseas from a law professor by the name of Michael Avery;

I think it is shameful that it is perceived as legitimate to solicit in an academic institution for support for men and women who have gone overseas to kill other human beings. I understand that there is a residual sympathy for service members, perhaps engendered by support for troops in World War II, or perhaps from when there was a draft and people with few resources to resist were involuntarily sent to battle. That sympathy is not particularly rational in today’s world, however.

The odious goat only goes further downhill from there, you should click over and read the whole steaming pile of shit. So you can imagine my lack of surprise when I discovered that communist, punk-ass Avery attended Moscow University while dodging the draft in 1968 – 69 and that he was the president of the Stalinist sympathizers National Lawyers Guild from 2004 until 2006. He was also the “Special Staff Counselor” for the ACLU 1970-71, instead of fulfilling his duty in the military during the draft era.

Wouldn’t you just to love to shove your fist through this face?

I concede that he has a right to his opinion, but who would want their child instructed by a draft dodging communist sympathizer who has no respect for the people who’ve sacrificed for his right to express his ignorant opinion on Veterans’ Day. The asshole probably has a picture of Castro in his wallet.

Thanks to Robert for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies

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Zero Ponsdorf

I dunno the Castro pix, but I wager $20 that he has a Che t-shirt.


As I have said before, the last bastion of communism in the Western Hemisphere is not Cuba or Venezuela – it is legal academia. In case you were wondering, the teaching of tort law as wealth redistribution rather than a remedy for a civil wrong is the reason for our overly-litigiuos society. When there is less a judgment of fault in tort law and more a “I got ‘hurt’ and you have money so I won the lottery” attitude, law suits result.

While this ass clown is a “distilled” more perfect example of asshatery in legal academia, the sentiment is manifest.


Forget the fist, twist his head off and take a giant shit down his neck. Concur on the Che T-shirt…wouldn’t that be a suckers bet?


I think it’s shameful that this ass-clown is drawing oxygen, but that’s just my opinion. It’s also shameful that he’s sucking at the taxpayer’s tit, while ensconced in his ivory tower, ruminating on whether the best communist is Che, Fidel, Uncle Joe or Mao.
He isn’t fit to sweep out the head at Ft.Benning, LeJeune, Parris Island, Ft. Hood or a host of other places where heroes dwell. Maybe he should be taken to Kandahar International Airport and goat ranch and let loose?


I’d really like to saw his limbs off with a spork and beat him to death with the detached extremities. While everyone is entitled to their smelly opinion, I’d be willing to face the legal consequences of making sure this piece of maggot shit dies a slow, painful death.

Just sayin.


A perfect eyeopener for this shit filled flesh sack would be a standard tour in the Stan with a victor unit. If he makes it back he might choose his words a bit more carefully. Then again, he’d get the one man bump and never be seen or heard from again.


“I think it is shameful that it is perceived as legitimate to solicit in an academic institution for support for men and women who have gone overseas to kill other human beings.”

I think you are misreading this fine gentleman. In my view, he is objecting to the fact that our troops go overseas to kill people, as opposed to having them kill people on our own soil. Yes, I’m sure that’s it.


Easy now Nicki – next thing you know Vermont and California will ban sporks. Then we’ll see the FBI running sporks to Mexican narco-cartels.

As for Professor Avery:

1. He make think it shameful, but as a hardcore Marxist, he knows to tap his victim behind the ear, and to have him/her positioned so their corpse falls into the mass, unmarked grave.

2. Peter Principle in play? Yes, quite.

Old Trooper

How in the fuck could this asshole go to Moscow for 2 years, to dodge the draft, and actually be let back in the country?

Fucking commie puke.

Sorry I’m a little miffed tonight. Jonn knows why.

The Duke

Here is his email address. mavery@suffolk.edu
Bon Appetit.

B Woodman

Naahhhh. That’s not a face. That’s just a doughy mass with pretend holes for eyes, nose and mouth. Think I’d like to add another one.


As little respect as I have for that idiot, it was refreshing to read something written in coherent English using complete sentences and not laced with F-bombs. As compared to the output of his academic offspring currently “Occupying” innocent swards of concrete and grass.


Wow, he makes it sound like we provide our own airfare and go over because we want to. You know, I can think of nothing better than going out hunting for a year, living in a shit box in the middle of sand, getting shot at from a crowd of civilians and being told that I can’t shoot back unless I can clearly identify the shooter, being served food that stops you from shitting and water that makes it flow like a river, staying up for forty hours then getting five hours sleep before the next mission…

Yeah, we do it because we have to. It is necessary to fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here. I just want to know where this douchenozzel was during 9/11? Me, I was in bed until I got a phone call, then I was at my armory with a 9mm on my hip and orders to shoot ANYONE trying to come into the arms room without the proper countersign.


Elie Mystal, a self-identified “anti-war liberal” who writes for abovethelaw.com has a pretty good take on this tool:



#14 Scott: a very enjoyable read! While I agree with LittleRed1 that Professor Avery did manage the English language very well, his logic isn’t logic. Professor Avery objects to the flag in the Suffolk atrium. Why? Because sight of our flag “…permits, indeed encourages, excesses in the name of national security…”

Professor Avery covers his disdain for Americans with frothy diction and and an air intellectuality that can not cover the truth: he hates Americans, and America.

2-17 AirCav

If contributions to United Way are solicied in your workplace, is that a political statement in support of abortion? It is if you endorse nether-lips Avery’s argument.


Douchenuggets like this asswad make me like my wife’s firm better and better every day. She works for a firm that represents the BIG EVIL CORPORATIONS…boogity boogity. I like the fact that this shitbird turns out shitty attorneys because my wife supplies really good litigators with evidence to rip them to shreds in court. There is a reason he teaches and doesn’t work, because he probably makes Branum look like Perry Mason.


I sent a well-reasoned, polite email to this oxygen thief. Nah, mostly I reiterated that he wasn’t fit to sweep out latrines and heads.
No reply, I’m shocked, shocked, I tell you.

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