Just me or does my flower look a little suspicious?

| November 9, 2011

I must have gotten a gay Aerogarden or something.  It’s like a Penn State locker room around here.  I don’t really want this flower staring at me all day, but I don’t want to be caught picking it either.

Should I just toss the whole garden, ask for a new office, or just accept that my flower looks like a penis?


Category: Politics

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Yep, Paterno will retire.


TSO, don’t get rid of the flower. Just embrace the cock on your desk. Characteristically it will wilt soon anyway.


Toothless Dog, it would’ve been Campus Police which at PSU are real LEO’s, not rent a cops.

I hardly see how it’s Joe’s fault if the cops said everything was fine.


#37. I love that form!


You really expect us to believe you didn’t know what kind of flowers you were raising, TSO?

“Admit nothing, deny everything, and make counter-accusations.”


A red swingline stapler, nice. I worked over twenty years in the same office and never had one of those. It is like the Holy Grail of staplers. Never had a purple penis flower either for the matter.

tavern knight

@37 Adirondack Patriot,

I know what a “blankey” & a “bottle” is, but what’s a “binky?”

As for the bottle, a bottle (two or three, at least) of Meade would be great. 😀