Bronze Star confusion

| November 6, 2011

AGeorgia town is embroiled in controversy over commemorative bricks in a local park according to the Dalton daily Citizen. Apparently, the xommittee charged with approving the inscriptions on the bricks are unmitigated morons because they can’t tell the difference between bronze servie stars and the Bronze Star Medal;

“I warned them (the memorial park committee) about putting the Bronze Star on the application, because I knew it would cause confusion,” said [Bruce] Kendrick, an Army vet. “I made a presentation to the committee last year in November showing them the difference in the actual awards and what they were giving credit for in awards.”

He said the response — that they would not change the inaccuracies — caused him to resign from the committee.

So, everyone gets a Bronze Star Medal, huh? I guess that doesn’t affectine at all does it? Honest mistake, right? Wasn’t there a mayor near Chicago who got a pass for making the same mistake claiming four Bronze Star Medals when they were really just service stars? I think TSO wrote about that one.

Why have a committee designed to ferret out errors if they’re not going to ferret out errors? I’d blame the families, too, but generally famles are just idiots who never paid attention to anything they were told and don’t know the difference between a handjob and a hand grenade.

Category: Veterans Issues

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Had a guy speak years ago at a convention in Vegas. He was introduced as a WWII veteran with five Bronze Stars and served under Patton. I talked with him afterwards and it turned out that it was the convention’s mistake. I saw his bio- ETO with five bronze service stars. The civilian who got him to speak got all excited about “one of Patton’s own who was awarded the Bronze Star five times.”


“I’d blame the families, too, but generally famles are just idiots who never paid attention to anything they were told and don’t know the difference between a handjob and a hand grenade.”

Jeez, man, are you ticked b/c Alabama missed 4 field goals or what?


Can one of you explain the difference for us AF types?


@3 The Bronze Star is a medal awarded for bravery, acts of merit, or meritorious service. A bronze service star is a device worn on medals such as the Iraq Campaign Medal and denotes service during different periods or phases of the campaign.


Hand grenades give you orgasms, and hand jobs are for killing.
Got it!