IVAW at Occupy Wall Street

| November 6, 2011

To, sends us a link to a YouTube video about some IVAW members who can’t help but wear mixed parts of their uniforms to announce their support for the Occupy movement.

Ya know, if I looked around the group that I’m with and see Bill Perry standing next to me, I’d start questioning my ideas. Bill Perry testified at Winter Soldier the First. He admitted to me that his testimony was “Bullshit”, using his word. More than one refugee fom IVAW has told me that Bill Perry screwed them out of their veterans benefits by not following up on their paperwork as their advocate. Yet, there he is in the video, marching alongside other veterans who don’t know his background.

Some of you may have noticed that whenever I mention IVAW on this blog, some of their members usually swoop in and defend the organization…but that hasn’t happened in the last few weeks. My ninjas tell me that there is a split occuring in IVAW, like during the flag-burning a few years back. Some less-vocal members don’t think the IVAW should be wasting their time being mannequins for the smelly hippies.

I have news for you (I know you’re reading), if you belomg to IVAW and someone wearing an IVAW T-shirt does dumbass bullshit – you support him. That’s the way it goes. Perceptions aren’t lways fair. Welcome to the real world.

Category: Antiwar crowd, I hate hippies, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Veterans Issues

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AW1 Tim


I had a similar experience with “Oathkeepers”. I never joined, thankfully. When I first read about them I was happy to see what I thought were a bunch of stand-up guys, veterans mostly, who wanted to set an example.

However, as I dug a little deeper, heck… I barely scratched the surface of that group, all of a sudden I saw that the organization was infected with Ron Paul supporters. They have basically highjacked that group, unless, as I have suspected, it was intended to be a front group for the Paultards.

So thankfully, I never joined. However it shows the value of stepping back and doing a little recon/intel work before you associate your name with some group.

Toothless Dawg

@ AW1 Tim – you and me both Brother. I had joined and over (I believe) a Veterans Day weekend, the Gathering of Eagles and Oathkeepers had a joint dinner function at a hotel in DC. I had taken video during the event that was on their site until I pulled it from You-Tube. In fact, Rhodes wouldn’t pull it from their site even after my request, so I had to actually pull it from you-tube. I posted on their blog that I wouldn’t follow Ron Paul to 7-11 much less vote for him for president. Good glucka blucka, I found out that I had just committed blasphemy. Needless to say, I no longer belong to that organization.


The IVAW cannot be cleaned up or set right. Its well deserved reputation as an association of malcontents, misfits and miscreants prevents that. The only reasonable option for the decent people who remain members of that org is to leave it. The history of rad groups is an object lesson in inescapable doom. On its road to oblivion, a group experiences dissatifaction, rivalry among leadership, factionalism and, ultimately, the splintering and formation of alternative groups.


bill perry is not an ivaw member, nor was it an ivaw march. it was a veteran’s march. people are pissed because occupy is trying to get us to legitimize the movement. bill perry can suck it. he is not part of the organization, and he likes to sexually harass members.


Well, then! Evidently among the other incongruities, it’s OK to sexually mutilate little girls but don’t say anything which could be construed as “sexual harrassment.”

Nap time today will be soooo much more peaceful today knowing that there is such (can’t quite figure out what word to put here!) among the libtards.


@5. Allow me. One of these will work: Love? Harmony? Unanimity? Cohesion?

Joseph Brown

I just signed off Military.com. On their home page are little snippets of news. In one they said vets are joining the OWS-‘tards because military contractors were getting big bucks over there and they can’t even get a job here. Good excuse.


Tea-tards, lol! got to love ya! Now that the public supports the ows movement way over the tea-tards, your little group is grasping for any branch while falling from the political tree into obscurity. y’all are just jealous because the public got tired of drinking your kool-aid. Y’all call yourselves patriots but belittle our troops because they get paid shit compared to the corporate army? shame on you! No worries, you’ll be a paragraph in the history books after next year’s election.



Bubblehead Ray

RDK…. Hmmm….. must stand for “Reality Deficient Kid”. The vast majority of the public views the OWS crowd as ridiculous and irritating.

Go play in traffic ya little smelly troll, like your friends in DC.


@9 It’s definitely a chick–or a flaming queen. I wonder if it’s the chick on the DC video about the 3 hippies who ran into that poor guy’s car.

Is this a shoot or no shoot situation? Where’s Frankly Opinionated when you need him?


I can hear RDK’s plaintive cry, “why is he driving that weapon”? Must be it is getting it’s talking point from LSDNC, “Now that the public supports the ows movement way over the tea-tards,”, is that what Schultzie told you to say, or was it O’Donnell?


RDK: yesterday your self-appointed leaders scammed the OWS movement for US$500,000. When OWS members attempted to dissent they were crushed. How does it feel to know that money meant for you went into some other guy’s pocket?

Think they’re gonna share? $500,000.00. What’s your slice of that?

Noooooo, even you’re not that dumb. $500,000.00

How much more are you going to pay in informal taxes for food, shelter, and batteries? Yeahhhh $500,000 sounds good.

But, you won’t get any. May I recommend getting an MFA in Puppetry? It’s the bomb!

Wow, we’ll rate a whole paragraph in the history books! Good thing Zinn’s dead or we wouldn’t rate that.