Two Events – Common Ground in Arlington

| November 6, 2011

These seemingly unrelated events happened this week in history.

Two years ago some Islamic wacko decided to kill some people in the name of his religion:

FORT HOOD (November 5, 2011)—The families of the 13 people killed in the Nov. 5, 2009 shooting rampage at Fort Hood’s Soldier Readiness Center are finding comfort in each other on the second anniversary of the tragedy, saying that staying connected with other affected families helps the grieving process.

On Saturday, some victims’ relatives planned to place wreaths on the fence that now surrounds the boarded-up building where the shootings occurred.

Earlier in the week, two of the families visited Arlington National Cemetery in Washington to pay respects to two soldiers killed that day, although they’d never met.

But, many more years ago some other thing was getting underway:

Excerpted from Firebase 319

Early on Friday, November 5, 1965 the 173D Airborne Brigade (Separate) entered War Zone “D” in the Republic of Vietnam to conduct Operation HUMP (OPORD 28-65). Somewhat auspiciously the name of the operation signified the halfway point of our year in Vietnam. The search operation began with the 1/RAR (Royal Australian Regiment) deployed south of the Dong Nai River and paratroopers of the lst Battalion (Airborne), 503D Infantry being lifted by helicopters from the “snake pit” around noon to conduct a helicopter assault on a LZ northwest of the Dong Nai and Song Be Rivers. Leaving my rear detachment under the control of my Executive Officer, First Lieutenant Charles E. Johnson, Jr., B Company deployed with five officers, 195 enlisted men and one ARVN interpreter.




Category: Arlington National Cemetary, Geezer Alert!

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i believe I remember hearing a couple of SSG’s talking about this ’73-’74ish. It sounded like a choice slice of Hell.

The writing you link to confirms to me that it was. God bless the 173rd.

AW1 Tim

A proud history, the 173rd has. God Bless all of the Sky Soldiers.

As to that Rat Bastard Major from Fort Hood: The frustrating part is that he is still alive and hasn’t had his neck broken by a noose yet. yeah, I know, they inject ’em nowadays. More’s the pity, as his execution ought to be televised.

I guess what really upsets me when I read about that attack is that the media keeps saying that 13 were killed. No, folks. 14 were killed. One of the victims as pregnant. That unborn child was also killed, and deserves to be listed on that roll along with everyone else.


Yep, the 173rd has my respect big time. Worked that same AO in 71-72. Lots of unexploded ordnance all over from years of battles. Didn’t just go diddy bopping through those sites.

And as for that son of a goat, Hassan, well I’d like to personally be the henchman.


The boots.