DC protesters struck by motorist

| November 5, 2011

You can watch this video from Crooks and Liars of the aftermath of an accident in DC wnen some Occupy DC protesters were struck by a motorist. Language warning;

After you watch the video, read this from Fox5 in DC;

Lt. Christopher Micciche of the D.C. police said the driver was not cited because he had a green light when his vehicle struck the three on Friday night. He said witnesses told police that the three pedestrians “either ran toward or jumped in front of the moving vehicle.” He said one pedestrian jumped on the hood of the car. One of them was cited for being in the roadway.

“The protesters were apparently trying to block the roadway,” Micciche said. “It was essentially an accident where three individuals were injured but they were in violation by being in the roadway.” D.C. fire department spokesman Lon Walls said Saturday morning that the three were transported to two area hospitals with non-life-threatening injuries

So basically everything that the protesters do is perfectly legal, but everything that results from their actions to them is somehow worthy of punishment. But then, some numbnuts will tell us this is the fringe of the Occupy movement. That’s mighty big fringe in the video.

This is the seconf time that I know of proters being struck by motorists while the hippies are trying to disrupt traffic…the 99%ers who are trying to get home from their jobs. But the hippies are only following my fondest wish for them – that they play in traffic.

Category: I hate hippies, Occupy

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Old Trooper

I want a 1974 Dodge Power Wagon 200 with a 440 4 barrel, a huge hippy catcher tube bumper on the front, 36″ mudder tires, and 6″ lift, then see how many of the brave protesters are willing to run in front of it.

“da bump……Jonn; did you feel that?” “Nah, I was too busy enjoying the view”.

Old Trooper

Also; luv the “whole world is watching” mantra they keep chanting like a bunch of butt hurt pussies.


Wow! And this vid is supposed to make us sympathetic to the idots playing in traffic?


CI Roller Dude

I’m still amazed at how many dumbass people there are…a car weights a few thousands pounds…don’t mess with cars and they won’t mess with you…


“The whole world is watching!”

Yeah, watching you be a bunch of dumbasses. Stupidity SHOULD be painful, and in this case, it was. But did you learn anything, hippies? I’m guessing not.


Not shocked. DC cops have this “thing” about jaywalkers.

I remember there was a big thing when some lady got nailed crossing against the light. Woke up in the hospital with her ticket pinned to her sheet.

NR Pax

How odd. Back in the days when I was a long-haired, left-leaning type, I had the common sense to realize that cars weighed more than me, traveled faster than me and a driver might not be able to stop in time if I did something stupid like that.

Did I miss something or was I just raised wrong?


“Why is he driving that weapon”? Um, was that a 2011 Weapon, or the new, improved 2012 Weapon?
What a complete waste of oxygen this crowd was, I can picture the poor oxygen atoms fleeing for their little lives when this group of oxygen thieves showed up.
I got 2:08 into that waste, that’s 2:08 I’ll never get back.


Why can’t they try this with an 18 wheeler doing at least 70 MPH?


“GEICO? Hi. I was driving alone through DC and had just passed through an intersection with the green when my car was struck head on by three animals.”

“What kind of animals?”



I don’t get what they mean by “Just ice and no peas.”


Would the hippies have anything at all to say if someone took the F word away from them? Or is Phuk U a school in China?


They can’t be the fringe and 99% at the same time.


Okay, I’m done.

Doc Bailey

I remember a tale of a french journalist in GW1 that had the complete lack if situational awareness to back up into the path of a passing M-1 to get a picture. The driver didn’t notice him, and he didn’t survive. Somehow karmic in a Darwin sort of way

Just Plain Jason

I didn’t watch the movie, because I knew I would laugh too hard. Somebody probably said go play in traffic and they for some stupid reason took them serious. This is what we call thinning the herd…

Doc Bailey

That “shame! Shame! Shame!” chant seems pretty popular. I’d like to aske seriously if you think ANYONE would respond to that by actually feeling shame, or by being more annoyed and wanting to bash in more skulls.

Just Plain Jason

I think I would go home and paint stencils on my car…
Freaking tards…

tavern knight

Takes “Kissing hubcaps” to a new level…

The Dead Man

#18 Just Plain Jason

Yeah, but what would you use, flowers, weed, Che Guevara t-shirts?

Just Plain Jason

That’s a douChe skulls would do nicely…

Just Plain Jason

Let me work on my grammar….
DouChe skulls and flowers would be my stencils.


“the whole world is watching”? These idiots can’t even sustain a chant for more than 5 sec. I’m pretty sure I remember my mom telling me not to play in traffic. I hope the whole world is watching jackasses running into the road, getting hit by a car and then several minutes of tards screaming obscenities at police as if its their fault.

Bubblehead Ray

I have a friend at work who has a full sized Suburban fitted out with the Secret Service package. Including pepper gas dispensers that (I guess) create a cloud of pepper gas around the vehicle if it’s surrounded by an angry mob.

Wonder if I could borrow it for a trip to DC :oD


Medic…. Corpsman Up! I love it!


AirCav, @#12, Phuk U is a graduate school in Oakland, naturally. 🙂


Yes, thanks UpNorth. I looked it up after I saw your post. Phuk U’s main campus is in China but one of its satellite campuses is indeed in Oakland: The Phuk U Graduate School of Comparative Studies in Stupidity and Disruption.


Kind of reminds me of a story a few years ago about a 23 year old activist/college student from the U.S. standing in the way of a D-9 Dozer demolishing palestinian houses in the Gaza Strip. She didnt move, and got ran over. Tragic that she died so foolishly, but D9’s are massive, the blade is the size of a friggin Volkswagen bus, making visibility an issue, and if you go head to head with one, you’re going to lose. Much the same, if you jump in front of a car, expect it to hit you.

Old Trooper

Redacted; that was Saint Pancake aka Rachel Corrie.

It sounds to me like this is a new tactic they are implementing in order to get noticed, since them sitting around smoking dope and whining like little bitches is getting old and people are starting to ignore them. They did it out in Oregon and what Wirecutter said was happening in Kalifornia, and now DC. I wonder how they pick volunteers to run into traffic?


Probably tell them there’s a bag o’ weed in the middle of the street and the first one to get to it can keep it.


Fearless Leader: “Gather round. Okay, it’s time for Plan-B my fellow travelers.”

Novice: “Plan B? What’s that?”

Fearless Leader: “It’s a contingency plan to garner sympathy from and engender outrage within the masses–um–the proletariat–er, you know, the 99%.” [Group giggles and laughs]

Novice: “How’s it work?”

Fearless Leader: “Two or three of us wait for a bourgeois car such as a Lexus (unless it has spinners!) or Mercedes (unless it’s very old) to pull away from a stop and we run into it, jump on its hood, tumble to the street, and lie there groaning.”

Novice: “That’s the plan?”

Fearless Leader: “Yes, comrade.”

Novice: “Will you be going with the next group to tackle cars?”

Fearless Leader: “No, comrade. I am also the official photographer here. It is my assignment to video the tragedy.”


The ‘whole world is watching’ when some tanks ran over a bunch of people in commie china one day and the whole world didn’t do a thing to stop it or even comment very loudly.


I don’t know. Maybe this is blasphemous but when I heard that “The whole world is watching” chant, I started singing:

He’s got the whole world in his grille
He’s got the whole world in his grille
He’s got the whole world in his grille

He’s got you and me brother in his grille
He’s got you and me brother in his grille
He’s got you and me brother in his grille…

Bubblehead Ray

He’s got little smelly hippies in his grill…. LOL. Man, that’s infectious.

And Redacted, they just toss a bag of Doritos in the street.


Bubblehead Ray

He’s got your Che shirt and your dreadlocks in his grill…

B Woodman

I don’t know if this says more about the hippies or the parents of the hippies. Even if the parents didn’t teach their children not to play in traffic, somewhere along the line you’d think the hippies would learn on their own . . . . that is, if they had the intelligence to be teachable.

Doc Bailey

You know if the whole world were actually watching they’d laugh themselves silly, and assume all Americans are as retarded as these clowns.


Well, we must BE retarded to put up with it!

Do these fools REALLY think that the founders sat around saying, “Now, fellas, we want to be sure to write this First Amendment broadly enough to include our good citizens being forced to walk through human excrement and inhale fumes from assorted burning objects. Oh, and let’s not forget about breaking windows and closing the boulevards to buggy traffic.”