Mixed Feelings – Bubblehead Women

| November 5, 2011

On one hand I suppose it is a good thing the the sub-jockeys finally get to serve with women, on the other hand I’m not sure this is a good thing for the The Navy or our national defense?

First Women to Report to Subs Graduate

Groton– The women who will be the first to report to their submarines graduated Friday from the Naval Submarine School.

Nineteen women completed the 10-week officer basic course, along with 73 men. Eight women graduated from the course in July but went on to further training.

Friday’s graduates have finished the six months of Nuclear Power School, six months of Naval Nuclear Prototype Training and the officer course. Some report to their submarines as early as next week.

I’m emphatically NOT a misogynist! Might just be my age or experience, but I do think the jury is still out concerning women on combat ships of all kinds. I’m not saying they can’t do the job in many cases, only that I’m unsure they SHOULD be doing it on combat ships.

Category: Geezer Alert!, Navy, Pointless blather, Politics

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Also, @1: Lt.Cdr. is not the glass cieling. She might have been assigned as an assistant to the RO at that level, but she could have been assigned RO after promotion, which are always full Cdr. or CAPT. Niether of my ROs had sub experience that I can recall. Sub experience is not a requirement for surface fleet promotion; it’s a bullshit argument. Every nuke officer is a bit boxed in when it comes to duty and promotions. They will never be assigned command of a ship, shore billets available for nukes number only four, and they can make more money doing what they do in the civilian world, male or female.


I have had just about enough of men in aircraft maintenance who think I am not worthy of being a aircraft Maintenance engineer Avionics. Women are treated like the enemy and harassed, mentally sexually and right out degrading. All management are men so they are in with the boys club, so do not report the abuse as this will only lead to more crappy treatment from management and workers.
As a women I work harder and smarter but this only causes the men to gang up against us women. I have done my home work and I am not the only women who endures this treatment. The fact of the matter is men are still babies and whine about every little thing. They can not stand up to there management and but kiss, some men acknowledge the miss treatment of women but will never go against the boys to defend any women rights. To all men who ever have talked negative about women and caused a women to lose her job, some of those women are trying to support there families. All you men care about is being in the boys club and kissing up to the boss. equal rights is Bull shit in aviation.

Crotchity Old Bubblehead

Can we get an update on how the lasses are doing. The last interface I had was a one way conversation from senior leadership telling me and my brothers to “make it work, at any cost, the experiment will succeed” on my way out the door three years ago.

While the few females selected to serve on the boats that I met prior to my retirement appeared to be capable and competent officers, I would not go as far as saying they brought anything special other than their chromosomal makeup to the table.

In the case of putting women on the boats, I’m sexist as hell and DON’T believe they should be there.


@53 — I’m glad you asked, Crotchity. I haven’t seen a word about it, either, and I’ve been looking for it.

Any updates, guys? Or is it balls to the wall, boys? Still polishing the old torpedo, huh?

Yeah, I have a copy of “Down Periscope”.