Occupy DC wants to secede from the US
The Daily Caller interviewed a history-challenged member of the Occupy DC encampment who told the interviewer that their “legal Department” is writing a Declaration of Independence.
Yeah, I heard the imbecile say that they wrote the Constitution in 1775. So either he doesn’t know what they were writing in 1775 or he doesn’t distinguish between the Declaration or the Constitution which explains why he thinks he can secede from the US. That question was settled in 1865.
Category: I hate hippies, Occupy
So, they are “basically a city”…wholly dependent on DC for utilities and basic necessities and other outside sources for everything else.
I’m with him. I say, thank goodness for our Constitution of Independence!
This tool can’t even make eye contact with the interviewer; a trait both inconsiderate, and indicative of one not convinced of his own argument.
Who will they approach to have the property deeded over to them? Who will they approach to offer them security from the world’s bad guys? Or, aren’t there any bad guys but we villains of the USA?
Good riddance!
I say give them what they want… Cordon off the area and allow them to be “independent” they won’t last long at all.
My suggestion would be they get a little plot of land just outside Pyongyang. They’ll love it there.
Yes!! Please! Secede!! Just do it somewhere else, outside the USofA. Oh, and also please leave your passport (if you happen to be eligible to have one) at the exit.
I don’t understand how movements, whether leftist or right wing ‘sovereign’ could think that they could get away with…much less be successful, in seceding from the union.
Note to Bright Boy: That secessionist angle didn’t play well the last time it was tried. You might want to review a fourth grade history book to learn more about that.
I love Bright Boy’s report that the Occupy Commissariat is mulling over the draft preamble and has approved one line of it. I don’t want to take away their thunder but I did receive an advance copy of the marke up: Here it is:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed [by their Creator] with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Comrade Drafter: STRIKE THE WORDS IN BRACKETS–So approved and ordered by the Commissariat
I have an idea. Let’s give them California and say good riddance.
#10: Normally I’d agree with you, but these clowns will just give California over to the PRC and then we’ve got a problem.
Dave, I think conservative girl has a great idea, maybe we should give them Puerto Rico? Or 4 square miles of Antarctica?
Just curious – so the question of succession has been settled? How? Through the unlawful actions of a (using today’s terms) terrorist government? Even the “Supreme” Court has stated that the Constitution allows for a State to withdraw from the compact. If one were to choose to do so, would you then argue for and support further terrorist actions against them? Did you support the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic in its’ “disagreement” with its’ states?
Congratulations Carl. We are all in favor of succession here. But it’s secession we are laughing about. And, please, don’t feel compelled to use today’s terms. Use yesterday’s terms–or do you bear a grudge against Saturday’s words? Also, thanks for telling all of us what we would do. We weren’t sure. Lastly, check your spelling(e.g. its’). You have some issues there, bud.
Oh Jesus, now you’ve done it…the Ronulans and other assorted “istas” (as in Catoista…Jonn knows what I’m talking about) are slouching their zombie hordes this way for a “Lincoln is the anti-Christ” bullshit blathering.
Are they fucking serious? Let’s invade!
Well, Sparky, their scouts have been tippy toeing around the wire for days now. They know we’re light in the afternoon due to this being NFL day. So, I imagine the hit is coming later, anyway. Rubber bullets and tear gas canisters only please and watch where the canisters are thrown. We don’t want any more martyrs.
If they secede, they will be ineligible to vote or donate to a candidate in US local, state or federal elections. So there’s that.
So, the US Constitution allowing for the seccession of states applies to a group of 6, or 12, or 27 individuals declaring their independence how?
(We can only wish that they truly would become independent! Like maybe then they would take responsibility for paying their student loans? Occupy only land which they own?? And clean up their own fecal residue???)
#13 has a point, “succession” fumble aside. Secession is legal. In that, the Confederacy was in the right (Yes, I know, that whole ‘peculiar institution’ thing sort of hurts their moral authority) and the Union were the bad guys from a federalism standpoint.
President Monroe, In order to ease racial tensions (and it was thought end slavery) started a program of repatriation to Africa for black men, which is why the capitol of Modern day Liberia is Monrovia (the ONLY foreign capitol named after a US president)
I suggest if these hippies are dissatisfied with America we can start a program of repatriation to the workers paradise they wish. Say China? I’m sure China will love them.
This is beyond pathetic!