Muslims to DoJ: stop killing us before we can kill you
Old Trooper sends a link from Terrorism Watchmen and the Daily Caller which recounts how the Justice Department met with Islamic leaders who urged the DoJ to help them disarm this country;
Top Justice Department officials convened a meeting Wednesday where invited Islamist advocates lobbied them for cutbacks in anti-terror funding, changes in agents’ training manuals, additional curbs on investigators and a legal declaration that U.S. citizens’ criticism of Islam constitutes racial discrimination.
The department’s “civil rights lawyers are top of the line — I say this with utter honesty — I know they can come up with a way” to redefine criticism as discrimination, said Sahar Aziz, a female, Egyptian-American lawyer.
Yeah, I don’t see any problem with that…well, except that it violates our first amendment rights as well as abrogates government’s responsibility to protect us – that pesky “provide for the common defense” phrase in the Constitution. I can only imagine the outcry from the Left if Catholics or Jews asked the DoJ to criminalize criticism of their adherents.
Why would they even mention de-funding the war against terrorism if they weren’t planning for some shit?
Category: Terror War
And they succeeded – on at least one front.
Yipes, Nicki. You really ought to show much less self restraint! Stop mincing your words and beating around the bush. Come right out and call a spade a spade sometmes, will ya? On a lighter note, nice piece there.
AirCav – I wuz a little angry. 🙂
The DOJ recently hired 113 Maoist attornies. The Muslim Terrorists win this round.
What really concerns me is the one central question we should have asked from the beginning: SHOULD we be afraid of Islam. . . if you know the Qor’an, and the texts that go with it. . .yes you should.
I’m not afraid of any religion…I’m afraid of what people do with them.
The FBI can’t understand Islam. It can speak Ivy League. So they sit on their hands and collect their pay checks while the next terror attack happens.
CI there is a serious problem in Islam. That problem is literalism. There is not metaphor, it MUST be this way. And actions of Mohamed (to include beheading 600 Jews in the Medina marketplace) has been seen as an act to emulate. Also anything that comes later (chronologically, not how its organized) supersedes anything that comes before. You see the early texts are actually quite peaceful. Later. . . less so. You can see the guy gets pissed off that he fails to sway many Christians and Jews (people of the book). So even though it is technically an Abrihamic faith it is one radically opposed to Judea-Christian faith traditions.
You can’t even really argue that the terrorists are NOT following the tenants of Islam, because sadly just about everything they’re doing (if not specifically) IS IN THE Qor’an!
Just got my Afghanistan cultural awareness brief…the thing I see wrong is this…most of the followers of Islam are illiterate. so it wouldn’t matter what it says…they have to trust the clerics to tell them what is right.
much like the Catholics did during the inquisition.
I am a Bible-believing Baptist, but unlike other religions…we are encouraged to take what is being preached and research it for ourselves….
Land-slide 0369: It’s good that you are encouraged to do research. You might start with “much like the Catholics did during the inquisition.” The Spanish Inquisition, you will find, was not a Catholic practice but was, in fact, of very limited scope and duration that traced itself to the Spanish monarchy. The truth of the Spanish Inquisition is not easily or casually discerned because, for centuries now, the matter has been misrepresented and distorted by those inclined to believe or put forth anything bad about the Roman Catholic Church. Good luck with your research.