Jesse MacBeth Stolen Valor Tournament Finals – Day the Second

| October 26, 2011

Day 1 ended with a 52/48 split, with Ballduster leading. What will today bring? 

GEN Ballduster McSoulpatch:

Friends with the Dalai Llama and Steven Segal.

Was Vice President of Asian Operations, Samaya, Inc., and in the Army was “Advisor to the Commander-In-Chief (1995-1999) regarding S.E. Asian Affairs, with a specific focus on Thailand, Cambodia & Laos.”

Claism to have attended Standford, Assumption University, Purdue, DLI, and JFKSWCS.

Arrested wearing a diaper on his head.



MSGT Soup Sandwich:

Showed up for a graduation ceremony at Fort Benning (Sand Hill), on Wed, 15 Jun 2011, wearing AF uniform with 15 rows of awards and decorations, and 7 badges from the Army and Air Force.

Claims to be a wounded medic.

 Likes to inhale shoe cleaner.


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Thanks as always to The Sniper for the photos…..

Category: Politics

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@49 While I have already stated that grammar is not my best attribute but I must say that I write comments on this blog in the same fashion that I write texts very shorthand so keep that in mind also spell check and grammar check were invented for a reason.


What really does your book have to do with philosophy or womens’ studies? Why do you need a MA to write it?

The Sniper

OG: Being a fairly well-educated polyglot myself, allow me to translate from academic to real world for you:
Philosophy and Womens studies = “Would you like fries with that?” If you don’t believe me, you can ask a friend of mine who has a similar (actually, more employable) doctorate from Yale. As long as you’re going for that degree as a hobby, you’re fine. If not, you may want to get your waitressing resume in order… especially if you use bad grammar. Oh, and before you start slamming my intelligence you may want to look in your wallet for a Mensa card. If you have trouble finding it, I can tell you what one looks like.


@52 I don’t need them to write the book per say but they will make me much more marketable as a writer and an intellectual and they are very interesting topics that are not given their due in mainstream society

Old Trooper

@54: Ah, I see, it’s all about the appearance of being an “intellectual”? Is that so you can attempt to think deep thoughts about the what the definition of is is with other “intellectuals” (of course, all self qualified and approved) as you sip your double non-fat soy latte?

The Sniper

@ 51 You are correct. Spell check and grammar check were invented for a reason: so the intellectually lazy, the ignorant, and the just plain stupid can come off sounding almost as intelligent as the rest of us. If you can’t master something as rudimentary as grammar and you are already a grad student, why on earth would you think that others would deign to listen to your other ideas? I mean, if you weren’t paying attention in English class, why would anyone believe you have any particular insights gleaned from any History or Political Science classes which, by the way, are far more complex in structure and content than the mere differentiation between the words “to”, “too”, and “two”?

You are blaming your lack of knowledge, your failure to learn English grammar, and your failure to accomplish rote memorization of simple words on a computer program. You are blaming your shortfalls on something and someone else; which is pretty much the entire theme of OWS.


Hope this magnum opus isn’t going to be peer reviewed anywhere.

Maybe Marvel Comics will buy it and make it into the next Captain America movie.


@57- I don’t think that boom goes any lower, pal. Give ‘er a rest, or you might break something. Big fan of the p-shops, by the way.

The Sniper

@59 Bwahahahahaha!!! Well-played, sir. Well-played.


Wow I have a Master in Forensic Science and work as a Forensic Firearms Examiner for the State of Texas. I feel like a moron with all the J.D. in this message board. However I get paid to shoot firearms and eat Blue Bell ice cream so I think that I am going to shoot a few .45’s and eat some rocky road to consol my feelings of inadequacy.

My appologies to TSO and 2-17 for any gramatical or puncuation mistakes.


P.S soupy Soupy Soupy.

Lets get the thread back on track


Guys dont feed the troll. She is philosophising or some such….get the gone Gloria Steinum wannabe


OG– I started my education late in life.. I am almost finished with my BA and then plan to get my JD. I can tell you that my life experience as a woman trumps your woman studies degree x 1000 though….

People on these boards are versed in LIFE experience and common sense something you seem to be lacking. I have met book smart people who have no life experience or common sense (Obama comes to mind) and it isn’t come back when you have been hit in the head by life a little- then we can talk.


Make no mistake. The little editing job @49 was for the Big O’s benefit. I am not a writing stickler except when someone tosses out that she is a graduate student and says she aspires to be a writer, but she serves up the butcher jobs she does.

@64. Melle–I am a high school dropout with a (forgive me all others) J.D. Go for it! The ease with which I took to my studies was courtesy of the US Army and years of life experience.


Oops get THEE gone…see, obobo bimbo, even with my john wayne jr high degree I dont need spell check. Womens studies…ha ha


I should get an honorary womens studies PHD for being married 3 times


Hey Melle. However old you are, I bet that you will not be sitting in a law classroom in your late 60s. That’s how old one of my classmates was. I kid you not. He was a retired admiral who decided that he wanted a third career!

Old Trooper

@61-62: That sounds like my dream job (not the ice cream part, but the shooting part)!!

As for Soupy: I say that Soupy isn’t as big of a douche as Ballduster. My reason is that soupy was probably high on shoe polish when he showed up dressed as he was, where he was. Ballduster knowingly perpetuated his lies for years and with the added credibility that his lies got him.

SGT Kane

Is soupy really spanking ball duster?

I never would have seen that a com’n.


Cav–Nope 38, but I feel old… Thanks for the pick me up, now maybe I won’t be the oldest in law school 🙂

Zero Ponsdorf

Godfrey Daniel (look it up)! All these big words are stirring my juices. And I thought these threads were just for voting?

Refrigerator!!! Five syllables!

Geezers RULE!


Melle1228 – you will most likely not be the oldest by a long shot. I had several retired military in my class. Two of them were actually also classmates at USMA and happened to be in the same class as Petreaus.

Just Plain Jason

Granted I am not a silverback, but I am almost old enough to be the father of some of my classmates. I just wish some of my outside class issues would allow me to stick with the program I am in.


1. TSO – Yes you are old
2. When I read the Master’s of Philosophy and Women’s Studies my first thought was Southern Democrat must have had some surgery.
3. ObamaGirl – I hope that you will send TSO one of your books when you finish, he genuinely likes to read everything he can get his hands on no matter the political slant. I on the other hand thing that you find what you look for, and can already guess what your research will produce.

Zero Ponsdorf

Since no one else has pointed it out directly:

OG #37: You are proposing yet another book casting vets as victims.

It has been done to death.

We currently have an all volunteer force. So that leaves you the old rubric (or is it a trope) about the poor and downtrodden being forced into joining the military?

That has been done as well.

I’d suggest you try an openly fictional approach. At least then you can ovoid those pesky facts out there.

El Marco

If you don’t vote for Balldsuter, then you’re homophobic. Can’t have THAT hanging over your head.

El Marco

I also can’t figger out how to spel chek. Blame my public education in Arky-saw. Thanks Cousin Billy!



BD coming at you from the rear for a comeback surge!


As God is my witness, I’m honestly torn as to who gets my vote(s).

In the case of Ballduster, we have a person who claimed to be a flag officer, a CIA agent, and is best buds with Steven Segal. Went to a Democrat party dressed as said general officer where nobody questioned his 1-age, 2-awards, 3-grooming style. Only when a TV crew sticks a camera in his face does he show any contrition.

Now in the case of Soup, we have a Space Shuttle door gunner with more awards than Audie Murphy, Alvin York, and Chesty Puller combined strolling onto Fort Benning in a women’s uniform coat and desert boots, but when challenged on it, not only sticks to his claim but actually goes so far as to claim he’s being disrespected!

I mean, you really gotta hand it to both of them. Both over the top, but for sheer balls you gotta give it to Soup just for sticking with it at all when he was called on it.

But only just.

Oh, and OG–Red Eye, no cream, Sweet and Low. And I want TWO full shots of espresso in that, don’t short me like you did last time or I’ll take it out of your tip jar. But I’ll give you credit for one thing–your future barista career is a good fit for your navel gazing degree and a step up from your truck stop “hostess” career you currently enjoy. Well, at least the truckers enjoy it.


Being a retired USAF NCO I say Soupy has my vote.


Looks like soupy ran out of steam……

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