Atlanta’s Black mayor equated to Bull Connor
Claymore sends us a link to an article from CBS Atlanta which tells us that Mayor Kasim reed is getting tired ot the cost that the city is incurring because of the Occupy Atlanta hippies;
In a press conference Monday, Reed cited the additional $100,000 in beefed-up police presence for Saturday alone, as officers worked overtime in 12-hour shifts to ensure safety for the protesters — the same protesters he connected to a hip-hop concert in the park that same day. Reed called the behavior of some of the “Occupy Atlanta” the kind of actions that “puts them on a path to escalation,” he said.
So, State Sen. Vincent Fort, who supports the Occupy protesting filthy hippie fucks, took it upon himself to invoke the ghost of segregationist Commissioner of Public Safety for the city of Birmingham, Alabama, during the American Civil Rights Movement, Theophilus Eugene “Bull” Connor (and a Democrat, by the way) to describe the Black Mayor Reed;
“If he wants to be like Bull Connor, then so be it,” Fort said.
So I guess the “escalation” in Atlanta has already begun. Now the filthy hippies polluting the country with their stench and intellectual vacancy are like the Freedom Riders of the ’60s?
Category: I hate hippies
Piranhas don’t distinguish when biting.
Hmm, “Bull” Connor-D, Kassim Reed-D, Vincent Fort-D. I detect a trend here. Never pretty when the piranhas go on a feeding frenzy.
Why doesn’t the good mayor send the bill for the OT, clean-up and disinfecting to the OWLS?
Kasim (or as my wife calls him, “Shazam”… don’t ask me why) is a huge improvement over Atlanta’s previous Mayor Squirrely Franklin. I hope he’s finally had enough of these morons and clears them out.
It must really suck to be a Black man who hates all Black men. That’s like a self hating Jew. Or a pro-abortion Catholic. Or a lesbian that really likes the taste of. . . I’m going to stop there.
I went down to Woodruff Park last Saturday night after a cocktail party (@2300). I was feeling no pain and had a designated driver. I was yelling “Free James Brown, Free James Brown.” Cops and firefighters were on Auburn Ave. watching and hanging out. My driver parked and let me out. As I was dressed in a suit, a clown came up to me and asked if I was from the Parks and Recreation Dept. I said no that I was one of them and that I wanted to free James Brown. All of a sudden this other guy out of the blue said he was vet. I commented to the clowns how impressed I was on how clean the AO was. This got their attention and they started gravitating to me. The vet then said that he was with the 10th Mountain Div. and 1st. Ranger Battalion. I asked where he was while in battalion and he said Ft. Drum. I then yelled at him and called him a phony fuck. He slithered away. My buzz was being killed so I left the AO. Not after more chants of Free James Brown. They are losers and clueless with a K. All in all an entertaining night.
Free James Brown! Free Willy! Free Pizza! Free the Fortune 500! Sorry. Sometimes the spirit moves me. Othertimes chili moves me. I gots to go.
Beretverde, thanks for the invite. If I known I might have come and laughed.
This whole situation is hilarious. On one hand I have APD friends complaining about the whole spectacle, and on the other I know some people involved in the occupy protest.
Y’all are behind the times. The cops moved in and made some arrests:
Video and pictures at the link. I haven’t watched them yet.
I think it’s a laugh riot that the people who are occupying Wall Street and various other places think that they can influence anyone to support their cause, whatever it may be. I mean, what better way is there to attract middle America than with filth? It’s veritable genius, sure to be co-opted by Madison Ave for ads, would-be politicians for elections, and anyone desiring to garner support for darn near anything! It is too perfect. Here are the people, the dregs, malcontents, miscreants, Marxists, Leninists, Stalinists, Trotskyites Che-lovers, Mao worshippers (gotta be a Mau-Mau among the riffraff somewhere) trying to convince us to follow them. They have the answers for sure! Heck, they can’t even plan a day or two ahead to answer the questions: How will I eat? Where will I shower? What will I use for toilet paper and where will I deposit the waste? How will I protect myself? The list is endless. We couldn’t have asked for more. Thank goodness for the occupiers and their supporters. They have crawled from the sewers and identified themselves for us and posterity.
The real joke here is that Mayor Reed had already said he was sympathetic to their cause, extended their original deadline to Nov 7th and had basically tolerated their crap…up until they held a friggin’ hip-hop concert in Woodruff Park (renamed Troy Davis Park by the hippies) without a permit, protection plan or fire aversion strategy. As soon as Reed had to commit more scarce city resources to this crap, all bets were off.
Funny, ain’t it, how its all love and skittles until someone has to start tapping their budget?
@5 – One of the local news stations has pictures of a “veteran” posted on their site. I’ll see if I can find it. Maybe the same guy? I was at ARCENT when Reed was elected. I figured that he was more of the same parade of morons who have been Atlanta mayors for the past 30 years (I also lived in Atlanta from 1972-84). But I might have been a few degrees off. Still not anyone I’d vote for. At the very least, he’s better than the guy currently occupying the office in DC.