Starting tomorrow: Vote for the MacBethy Award Winner for Profligate Phoniness

| October 24, 2011

Soupy and Ballduster coming tomorrow.

As always, thanks to Le Sniper for the Photoshop!

Category: Politics

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Should have had his sleeves rolled and his collar popped. 😉

Jonn Lilyea

Awfully generous with the loin cloth aren’t you?

Doc Bailey

you forgot the ton of medals that make him walk with a limp to the left.


Soup! Soup! Soup! … Rah!

John Curmudgeon



If Soupy had more videos and other attempts at stolen valor complete with a resume and a news gotcha team showing up at his doorstep like Ballduster did, he’d be even.


cont. when the news showed up at Ballduster’s house and he was wearing the CIA hat…and kept saying no…he sounded like Michael Jackson.


Why does this look like Obama too?


Along with what Claymore said, should have had a beret like a pizza chef and holding guns like the cover of Dukenukem 3D video game.

Doc Bailey

@8 you know. . .now that you mention it it really DOES look like Obama.

Now again serious question, What are we giving these rejects if they lose? Please tell me its something good. I’ll drop a hundred for a trophy, and Certificate. But you have to do it all official like.


It’s not Obama? I thought it was supposed to be. There is no better representative of the pretender class. Just as some idiots let one clown walk in a parade attired as a military man and another to step on a military installation dressed as a refugee from a military surplus store, millions of idiots let Obama walk into the White House. If it’s not Obama’s head on the statuette, it ought to be.