Fox on dating phonies

| October 24, 2011

TSO strikes again. He sent me a link on Fox News telling women they should date returning veterans. Aside from the fact that most women don’t need to be told to veterans, take a look at their model for the picture;

Yeah, a Special forces patch and no jump wings and no Green Beret, no DUI on his cap or his shoulders. Yeah, i know he might be one of those protected species of people assigned to Special Forces units who are nasty legs like veterinary dietitians who get to call themselves Special Warfare. But what are the odds, someone assigned to an Airborne unit with no need to be jump qualified? And no Unit Crest?

OK, let me have it. Let’s see if I care.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I personally like the 90210 chops with the overseas cap. That really harkens to a returning combat vet, no?


Just a model doing just an advertisement.


I didn’t know that those (rhymes with punt) _____caps were still being worn.Also, he need a shave. Plus, he’s gay.


This appears to be standard fare for advertising purposes. Ads from US Cav to USAA show some dweeb with a bad haircut, usually no unit insignia and with the ubiquitous duffle bag.


He’s enroute to SFAS (leg) and he is embarrassed to be associated with his COSCOM unit (no DUI). As for the dietary vet-phony who became an attorney(?) etc… she claimed Special Operations (not Special Warfare).

There, I let you have it.


Dude! Photoshop and the infotainment industry not knowing their facts. But on a slightly less serious note, do you really think Chicks would dig pictures of the Fallujah Marlboro Man, or any of our people woh have been out on sustained ops for 28 days or so and have barely shaved, look and smell like shit, and are in serious need ofg a shower and bedroll? Chicks definitely do not dig that!!!! My Girl does not like the pictures of me in Iraq and Afghanistan after a mission, even though that was the reality. And if you are trying to sell the whole Save an MRAP, Ride a Soldier! bit, you would want to use one of those Hollywood types, instead of the disgusting fatbodies that we have all seen lurking in the line at Burger King (TSO, YOU remember those fat fucks at BAF, right?) or at Popeyes, or in the dessert line at the DFAC…,r:2,s:0,r:7,s:0

Hell, in Iraq we had Soldiers that would wonder why they never passed an APFT, and then sat down for breakfast with freaking french toast and a shit ton of syrup and butter on top of all the unhealthy care package shit.


My Bad, didn’t post under my name! That one is me…


Bwahahaha…Anyone I knew back in the day going to an airborne unit went to Jump school first…Gotta be a model…poseuring!


So it that Magnum or Blue Steel?


Stock photo, not an actual vet. No need for a model’s release or worries about paying royalties. Nothing to get excited about, but Fox could have done better with a little bit of effort.


@#3-so what if he’s gay? Not that there’s anything wrong with that in Barry’s Army anymore……..


It’s just a model.


I don’t have time to look it up right now, but I am pretty sure that it’s against regs for an active service person to wear the uniform and profit from it. Hell I got yelled at for escorting my cousin trick or treating in uniform. ( I thought it was funny. I went as a sailor. My POIC, not so much.)

I would have though that Faux News would have used an actual news image though.


A WWII Occupation Medal? Seriously?


As usual Lilyea is caught in a lie she claimed she was in a Special Operations unit which she was.. She never said a thing about Special Warfare.

Old Soldier

I think the WWII Occupation Medal gives away how old the photo is (No, not 1940’s old) – Folks stationed with the Berlin Brigade were awarded the Army Occupation Medal until October 2, 1990.

Note also – No long Tab, no Airborne Wings, so the Overseas Cap would be the appropriate head gear at various times in the 80’s-90’s depending on the uniform rule of day, before Green Berets for everyone in group, then change Maroon for non-SF, etc….


Methinks this is much ado about nothing. As has been stated before(and apparently ignored) it looks like dude is a model.


IIRC there’s a law that says a US uniform can not be regulation-correct when it shown in movies and advertisements.

Lucky: my vote is Magnum.

Doc Bailey

actually I know exactly where this came from. It came from a dating website that was trying to get military men to join for free so they could hook women with a military fetish. They tried to get me when I was deployed I think my first time.

Also think it might actually have originally come from a VA brochure about the MGIB. Not sure on that one.

OG, weren’t you going to post your dd-214 at some point?


DaveO, owing to my earlier pledge to ignore Fuckugly trolls, I will not comment on OG, and I agree, that looks like Magnum, but maybe could be Ferrari…..



Reminds me of all the AAFES advertising where they avoid showing the SSI.


Me thinks OG thinks way too highly of herself…*sniff sniff*. Damn it OG…


Don’t sniff too close to OG, street. Smells way to much like rotten tuna and meth.


And has the rotted teeth & foul odor mouth to go with it, huh Sparky?


And the same irrational rambling she does here.

Bubblehead Ray

The picture is obviously a model, not a vet. He’s got that “Rob Lowe wannabe” look going.

Street and Sparky, whatever ya do, don’t go downwind of OG. She probably qualifies as HazMat.

Doc Bailey

@23, SPARKY! don’t you know? ALWAYS INSPECT THE FIELD BEFORE YOU PLAY! I suppose I have to give you a talk about using your condom sense. Hooking up with OG what were you thinking?


C’mon, Doc–even after 75 days at sea I wouldn’t hit that.

Well, maybe I would. With a 9-iron.

Doc Bailey

I don’t know. I’ve heard stories about the nasty shit squids do. OG couldn’t possibly be the worst thing you tried to do?


Chalk this up to an idiot photographer, editor and the casting agency who provided the model. Once again the MSM/Hollywood don’t get the military.

Old Soldier

Here’s the source of the photo, a stock image from Getty Images –

There’s some far more egrious violations of AR 670-1 in the series…

BTW – found this using a Tineye, an a website that matches images..


Hey, it’s got to be a farce. Look who penned the article – Lisa Thong. Just sayin…..


It’s the Air Force using male models for their ROTC ads… none of them could wear a uniform correctly either.


RE:Old Soldier Says:
October 25th, 2011 at 8:22 am
Here’s the source of the photo, a stock image from Getty Images –

If you look at the third image of this series he is clearly wearing something that looks like a leotard rather than Army trousers…I dunno, maybe he was on this way to tactical ballet class