Perpetuating the myths

| October 24, 2011

Average NCO sends us a link about a sad sack supposed Vietnam veteran who doesn’t mind using the rest of us veterans to make excuses for his deviant behavior. Apparently, he arrived on the scene of an automobile accident and took it upon himself to relieve a dying victim of $600 in cash and then blame it on his PTSD from Vietnam;

[David Bilbrey]’s attorney, Deanna Knapp, said her client had served in Vietnam and earned several medals, including six Bronze Stars and a Silver Star. He suffers from chronic and severe post-traumatic stress syndrome as a result of his military service.
Knapp said when Bilbrey saw the wreck, it triggered a flashback to the violence he had seen in Vietnam.
“He came across a horrific car accident, Your Honor,” Knapp told Magistrate Judge Keith Whitney. “Massive injuries to Mr. Cox.”
She said Bilbrey checked Cox’s pulse before picking up the money, but the flashback caused him to shut down. He then got into his car and drove away.
Knapp said her client had accepted responsibility for his actions from the beginning.
“I think he was ready at the first court hearing to take care of this,” she said.

Yeah, I think that if he was ready to take responsibility for his sick behavior, he could have done it without shitting on the rest of us. he claims he had a stack of medals, too…if he’d steal money from a dying man, I’m pretty sure he’d lie about his awards, too. If he was having Vietnam flashbacks, how did he have the wherewithall to hope in his car and drive the fuck off?

Category: Shitbags

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He should have ample opportunity to explain himself on a daily basis to Bubba. And I don’t care if he’s a MOH recipient.

Come on trolls. Tell me how I’m so mean for “picking on a veteran.” You fucksticks know who you are.


This POS should be strung up! And I seriously doubt he is actually all of what his attorney claims.

Doc Bailey

How much you want to bet that he hasn’t even served, or worse was only a supply clerk.


Can we assume that the FOIA request is already in the mail?


I love how he was sentenced to six-29 day sentences “so he wouldn’t lose his veterans benefits” according to the story.

Okay, someone want to clue me in on what he’d lose by serving 30 days? And if it comes out he didn’t serve, I’d hope both he and the lawyer face charges and/or sanctions as appropriate.

Doc Bailey

correct me if I’m wrong but don’t most people go to jail for a term of YEARS for shit like that?


I’m not clear on which battle drill involves picking up the cash and clearing the AO. The lads at Leavenworth may know of it.


I won’t believe a word of this crap about his service or his medals w/o proof positive. The reason is that– dollars to donuts –that information came at the sentencing phase and was not taken in evidence, subject to challenge or rebuttal by the prosecutor. It’s BS time when one gets to sentencing, rather like the guy who murdered his parents and his attorney asks for a light sentence because the poor lad is an orphan!

PowerPoint Ranger

This looks like a great opportunity for a FOIA DD-214 check.


Sounds Legit…

Afterall didn’t most Vietcong drive a Lexus and wasn’t it SOP after an Ambush/ Motor vehicle accident to check the Lexus driver for cash/Nuc Maum before falling back to the ORP?


Oh, yeah, Picking pockets is such an important part of military training.


Had a guy tell the judge he had 4 bronze stars once. I corrected him in court and explained to the judge that those were campaign stars on his VNSM. 6 Bronze Stars and the Silver Star? Don’t make me friggin’ laugh. As to the “Flashback”….even sicker. Every patient of mine that said they had a “Flashback” when asked to describe it, could really only come up with extreme intrusive thoughts. Not one could ever say that they actually thought or believed they were back in Vietnam. All my patients were rated 100% for PTSD and were all “real” combat vets. In 30 years of treating PTSD patients and in 40+ years of having PTSD, I can say there is no such thing as an actual “Flashback”. Now, had this guy jumped into adrenaline mode, pulled the driver out of the car, treated him, then didn’t remember much about it….I’d say yep, he went into combat mode. Robbing the victim…Lord, why can’t I be in court when this kind of shit happens. I’d have hung his ass out to dry for the prosecution.

Honor and Courage

Maytag --- Nam 66/67

I saw the medals and the other shit and wondered —If he was a sniper for the CIA loaned to the seals— The Bull Shit never stops!
what he really suffers from is sudden bull shit syndrome I also wish I was in court to screw with him

“He suffers from chronic and severe post-traumatic stress syndrome as a result of his military service”.


This shit pisses me off when people use their “PTSD” as an excuse for their shitty behavior. Hell some people must think it is a get out of jail free card. All the work I put into not have abnormal reactions to normal situations then this dipshit uses a bullshit excuse like this to get away with a crime.