Where did “Marines Against Shamar Thomas” go?

| October 24, 2011

I can’t seem to find the Facebook page anymore. i was going to cruise over and read some of the stuff that you guys have posting here about, but i can’t find it now. there’s monstrously popular “People Against Marines Against Sgt. Shamar Thomas” – it has 22 fans.

I’m guessing that someone pulled down the MAST” Facebook page, maybe Facebook themselves. But I guess it’s perfectly acceptable to be against Marines who are against that socialist bullshit. Way to represent, Shamar.

Category: I hate hippies, Shitbags

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I had the same experience. Must be the Obama people didn’t like MAST, so they leaned on FB to remove it. Nah, the administration would never pressure those who they deem to be a “threat”. Or, FB just saw another way to carry Obama’s water.


Facebook has a history of removing pages of content that they get complaints about, be it political, social, sexual, etc. All the complainers have to do is prove they are being harassed or feel intimidated and FB usually caves.


Well, to be fair, it was pretty much just an attack page. It’s one thing to have a page against a public figure and their policies, it’s another to have one against a private citizen. And before anyone says it, no, being in some protests doesn’t make one someone public figure. I’m pretty sure the page violated FB policies.

re #1

Come on man. I know it’s hard to detect sarcasm or hyperbole online but I hope you don’t actually believe that.


I tell you what does piss me off, this sudden propensity to make this dude out to be some kind of leftarded hero…and to add insult to injury, suggest that the cops were intimidated by his rantings.


The Admin pulled it down (they were the F’n Boot guys that started it). From F’n Boot… ALMAR: After Action Report Marines Against Shamar Thomas.He did stop wearing the uniform and F’n Boot is not here to pick a fight with all of OWS. We gathered all the intel we needed on him and I will be posting the screenshots of people that witnessed his “heroic actions” from one cook and one mechanic. I suspended the page and terminated all admins. Once again we are not here to pick a fight with the whole OWS crowd agree or disagree. I happen to disagree with them and will vote accordingly in November. We got all the intel on Shamar and he quit parading around in uniform. Mission Accomplished!




Which, NSOM? The last statement? FB links anything said about Obama to his website. How else do you think the page got 23 million “likes”?
And, what Claymore said in #2.


Once the former Marine posing as a Sergeant decided to enter the public spotlight, he simultaneously opened himself up to public scrutiny. Bite the friggin bullet you little whiner….


re #6

The idea that it’s some sort of politically motivated conspiracy from FB. I’m not up to speed on what you’re talking about though, link me please?


What I’ve been finding completely irratating is the fact that others have used him as an example of how poorly the NYCPD have been mistreating the hippies. He says he saw police brutatilty but I’ve been up there myself and didn’t see any of it.

Maytag --- Nam 66/67

I was a member of that face book page


#8. This is what I found. I checked, after posting something with the word, Obama, in it. It showed up on the OFA page on FB. I do not know if FB is still doing it, and not interested enough to go through the whole thing again. The link is here,