Jesse MacBeth Stolen Valor Tournament Fecal Four Day Two!

| October 18, 2011

[As always, photoshop thanks to the genius that is The Sniper.]

Day 1 in the books, and it is a 70/30 lead for Ballduster over Matthis, and 75/25 lead for Soupy over Hillar. Let’s see what today brings!

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Category: Politics

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I cannot believe soupy is beating Hillar! Hillar traded on his status as a phony for decades and made a lot of money from it. Soupy got high and attended a graduation. It seems hardly balanced.

Old Trooper

@ #1: Agreed.


Yeah, but will douchebaggery beat out mental illness? Two turds enter, one turd leaves.


I put myself in soup’s step-son’s place. That is why he got my vote.


We haven’t heard of Matthis in a while, what is he up to? Selling shrooms to the OWS retards, or is he dead in a ditch somewhere?

Old Trooper

Good points, TSO. I think that Soupy being a charter member of the galactically stupid does have some pull in the contest. I just thought that Hillar would make a better showing than he has. Of course, in the Ballduster vs. Metthis contest, my personal opinion is that Metthis actually gets paid to promote his bullshit to children, even though he’s a self admitted rapist. That’s why he gets my vote over a chimp in mess blues.


Lucky, he’s probably selling shrooms, but we can always hope for him in a ditch.



He probably does not get paid or if he does it’s an expenses/stripend kind of thing. Not anywhere near what Hillar got.

School stuff is pretty much small potatoes on the activist front. You loose more money than you gain. Just sayin’.


I say the championship will consist of Soupy and Chiroux…and Soupy will take all


No way these are shopped!!!!

El Marco

Ballduster, Ballduster!!!

(Happy dance/exe.)


@UpNorth, I like the way you think 🙂

Doc Bailey

I would have thought that Matthis would have pulled FAR out in front of Ballduster. I think Soupy is going all the way. Much to my dismay, because despite all the utter stupidity of the others that have inhabited the bracket, he is one who has actively sought to do damage to veterans.


These pix continue to give me “laugh out loud” moments … Thanks (but who’s gonna pay for my new keyboard, you pricks?).


How come I’m not able to vote? Just rebooted the system and no change.

Anyway, Sammich and McSoulpatch with Sammich to win!!


No vote here. I’m on strike. If two butt clowns make the final, then I quit. That;s right, I’m taking me binky and going.