Tuesday tidbits
Let’s open with Jack Texeira, the enlisted Air Force kid who posted thousands of pages of classified material for his game=playing buddies to read. He got 15 years for that little trick last fall – but he’s back.
Teixeira pleaded guilty last year to six counts of willful retention and transmission of national defense information under the Espionage Act. He faces additional military charges of disobeying orders and obstructing justice in the court-martial.
His lawyer, Lt. Col. Bradley Poronsky, argued that the obstructing justice charge should either be dismissed or go unpunished, saying it amounts to double jeopardy because it already factored into Teixeira’s November sentencing. Prosecutors argued against dismissal, saying the charge involves different conduct at a different time than the acts that obstructed justice in the federal case.
Teixeira’s lawyers had argued that further action would amount to prosecuting him twice for the same offense. AP
Nope, if he wasn’t charged before with disobeying an order he’s fair game. Obviously, prosecutors are throwing the proverbial book at him, although I suspect any sentence he will collect will probably be specified to run concurrently with his existing sentence. Regardless, hopefully he should be a shining example to any other rebellious young service members of what NOT to do. He should probably consider himself lucky, at points in our recent history he could have been facing the death penalty.
We have noted previously that the Army seems to have really turned around its recruiting woes by implementing remedial training/exercise pre-enlistment programs for kids normally excluded from enlistment. Bet some attaboys went around the recruiting command for that, right? Just one small fly in the ointment:
Nearly one-quarter of soldiers recruited since 2022 have failed to complete their initial contracts, according to internal Army data reviewed by Military.com. While the Army’s recruiting totals look solid on paper, a high dropout rate raises serious doubts about whether those numbers are an accurate portrayal of how well the service is manned.
It remains unclear why the Army is losing so many soldiers, but one explanation could be the declining quality of its recruiting pool. One-quarter of all enlistees last year had to go through at least one of the Future Soldier Preparatory Courses, which were set up as a sort of silver bullet for recruiting woes — getting applicants up to snuff with academic or body fat enlistment standards before they ship out to basic training. Military.com
Suspiciously similar numbers there, right? A quarter of recruits need the remedial pre-BCT camps, and a quarter aren’t making it though their first contracts. My first question is no doubt the same as yours – are these two one-quarter populations the same 25%? Hopefully not. Sure would be interesting to know how much overlap there is.
And lest you think we are the only people afflicted with DEI, here’s a shining example from across the pond. The UK doesn’t have enough pilots in their pipeline:
Under Air Chief Marshal Sir Mike Wigston’s stewardship, the air force committed to having 40 per cent women and 20 per cent of personnel from ethnic minorities by 2030.
During the drive, leaked emails showed air chiefs were told to stop choosing “useless white male pilots” in an attempt to improve diversity.
The RAF now needs a “higher number of pilots in training”, according to a document seen by the Daily Mail.
Air chiefs want the gaps filled by those who may have previously been rejected.
In an RAF internal briefing note titled “Opportunities for professional transfer to the pilot specialisation”, staff are encouraged to transfer because of a need for more pilots “required for flying training”.
Candidates must be younger than 24 when they apply, although older applicants with experience in similar roles would be considered.
The same scheme is open to weapons systems operators. (Ed – think ‘Goose’)
Mark Francois, the shadow Armed Forces minister, told the paper: “The RAF’s availability of combat pilots has been hit by a perfect storm: including woke manipulation of recruiting practices, the revival of civilian airlines post-Covid and technical issues with training aircraft, particularly engine reliability on the Hawk T2. The Telegraph
They have increased their defense buying, now they need to find folks who can operate the equipment. Worth noting… in WWII they never ran out of Spitfires or Hurricanes, but they near as damnit ran out of pilots and in latter years put some really green kids in cockpits.
Category: "Your Tax Dollars At Work", Army, Crime, UK
“Ho! You rejected me because I’m white? And only because I’m white?
And now you’re crawling to me begging me to join? How do I know you won’t change your mind-AGAIN-and kick me out just ’cause I’m white? Sorry, but I’m still white. So sod off, ya wanker!”
Actually, I think they are still rejecting the useless white males. The same ones that they used as a primary bludgeon while creating their dying empire.
There’s a meme I’ve seeing going around lately that could be applied here, “No More Brother Wars”.
Or, to go back to the 60s, “What If They Gave A War, And Nobody Came?”
You shouldn’t put too much stock in anything written by Steve Beynon. He is a hack, and not the Hack we all like. He uses Reddit as it source most of the times and writes absolutely false information. If he doesn’t understand it, he just makes it up (just read his BS article on BAS).
Jack Texeira should be put to death for his treason.
The RAF, and Olde England, is on life support – in an area where medical care is questionable at best.
The Army’s problems reflect the society’s problems – kids who are unprepared for life. This is an intentional outcome of the various policies “protecting” children and “educating” them for too many years to count.
May God have mercy on us.
In the 80’s I was amazed at the kids that would show up as boots in the Fleet and they had never used a washer and dryer. I would be like how did you wash your shit before you got here. They would say mom did it or at their school they took it to a laundry mat that did it. In boot camp we did it by hand on those damn concrete wash stations.
Same here. ’87. Plus getting your shit stolen by others off the drying rack. (I only tried getting my shit back)
a couple of recruits in Great lakes Boot camp settled their scores in the drying room, shook hands after the fight and were friends. We had to tie our clothes on cable lines with cords that were called “clothes stops”that wrapped around the cable and tied with a squarenot. They had a piece of metal on each end to preven the cord from unraveling and we had to cut the cord at the end of the metal which were called Irish penants. Man, back in 1963 when I was a 17 year old Boot, I can still remember some of this stuff. If I was a year older, I possibly could have been involved in the 1962 Cuban Blockade.
SgtM, Funny story regarding that….I served with a guy who was, even to this day, the toughest guy I know and he was also good at sewing. He saw me struggling one day to sew my cammie trousers and offered to help me. Another guy saw this and said to me, “I guess mommie did your sewing too.” and then he turned and said to Del, “what…are you the platoon bitch? Maybe you can come over and sew my cammies next!” And Del replied, “Yeah and I can beat your ass too, but if you come over and sit your stupid ass down, I’ll teach you how to sew properly!” LOL
Back in the day when I was a kid, we played stickball punchball, stoopball, chinese handball (asses up) sang on the street corner and schoolyard, mumblypeg, hit the penny, flipped baseball and Davy Crocket cards, hide n seek, red light green light 123, simon says, sidewalk 4 wheel roller skating, wood crate racing cars, ringalevio, schoolyard dodgeball, whole family ate dinner together, touch football, johnny rides a pony, ice skating at twin ponds lake, snowball fights, pea shooter battles, was a caddie at the woodmere country club at 14 years old, whole family friday night shopping at local A&P supermarket,
$25.00 to feed a family of 4. I joined the US Navy at 17 and some of my friends went to College and then were drafted or joined by themselves.
Just my .02 cents regarding Jack Texeira: his previous misconduct (though not charged, apparently) was probably considered as a sentence enhancement. He should have been charged with the other offenses and “awarded” a longer sentence.
The attrition rate for Army first-termers was predicted here, so if it’s unclear to the Army, someone needs to be shitcanned.
So the RAF needs more pilots, to the exclusion of qualified white male candidates? Fine. The UK has plenty of young Muslim men in their population, and there is historical proof they can be taught to fly a plane – so the RAF has that going for them. (Morons)
Sure, young Muslim men can be taught to fly. But can you teach them to land?
Only if they are gay….
Dumbass Jack done jacked his dumbass up real good. His Chain of Command knew he was up to doing dumbass shenanigans. He’ll be in his mid 30’s when he gets out. That DD or BCD along with incarceration time isn’t going to look good on his resume. And the Brits listening to the same good idea fairy the Army did. The Army’s remedial training and exercise pre-enlistment programs did seem beneficial at first, but the follow-on numbers don’t lie. Tuesday Tidbits indeed. Thanks David!
Lil Jackie looks like a Nancy-Boi.
Just my two cents for what it’s worth, but I suspect the Army’s recruitment woes have much to do with the type of youth grown in this country these days. They are certainly nowhere near the ilk of my dad’s generation and not even similar to my own generation. Yes, my mom fixed my breakfast and dinner and packed my lunch for school, but the day I left for Parris Island, I wasn’t shocked to realize that those days were long gone. I knew they were gone and I accepted that they were gone because I knew that, as my dad taught me from the time I was old enough to listen, that I had to grow up, be a man and take responsibility. I doubt that very many of the young males are taught that today because they grow up playing video games on their mom’s couch until they are 20. Times have changed and the old days aint coming back!
Read my below comment reply to Graybeard below
Marine 0331 on how us 1950’s kids grew up.
Man, you had it easy. By 4th grade, breakfast was on me, and in 7th grade when I got an after-school job, mom told me ” I cook dinner one time a night. If you’re here, you get to eat. If not, you cook your own”.. so I soon learned to cook.. came in damn handy at the firehouse..
25 percent attrition is actually not too high. It was about 20 percent without the future soldier prep courses. If we can achieve more intake with a slightly higher attrition it’s still good. Historically, for instance back in the nineties, first-term attrition in the army actually ranged up to almost 40 percent.
Here’s an interesting study but only one of many. Attrition has been watched carefully for decades and is already factored into the load for recruiting numbers. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GAOREPORTS-T-NSIAD-98-117/pdf/GAOREPORTS-T-NSIAD-98-117.pdf
Lock the dumbass (former) Airman’s azz up in the same cell with some of the other treasonous “usual subjects”…Darth Austin, Millie with no willie….
Some 70% of young lads are raised by single “moms”, 70% of teachers are females, but the problem is male toxicity? Got it. Strong men make good times…weak men create hard times. “Put down the game controller, step away from the platter of hot pockets, and get your ass outside!”
“No More Brother Wars”. Next time…we ride together! Guess it does take a whyte boy to want to fly into a danger zone…and have blood of ice, man. TPTB best realize it is the whyte boys that are the predominate Warrior Class or they’re gonna find out that their goose is cooked…over there.
Maybe Reality Winner will marry Jack Texeira and the conjugal visits will produce the next generation of traitorous offspring to stab us in the back.