Supreme Court to take up Stolen Valor Act

| October 18, 2011

About a hundred of you guys sent me a link to the article that announces that the Supreme Court is taking up the Stolen Valor Act, so I guess you want to discuss it;

The case arose from the prosecution of Xavier Alvarez under a 2005 law, the Stolen Valor Act. Mr. Alvarez, an elected member of the board of directors of a water district in Southern California, described his background at a public meeting in 2007.

“I’m a retired Marine of 25 years,” he said. “I retired in the year 2001. Back in 1987, I was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor. I got wounded many times by the same guy.”

Everyone who sent the link thinks this is a good sign that the USSC is taking the case. I don’t. I’m pretty sure we’re going to see the stupidest shit that ever came out of the Supreme Court. They’re all going to throw us under the bus.

On the upside, TAH will have an eye witness report to the arguments and the American Legion is filing an amicus brief in the case.

Category: Phony soldiers

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I nominate King and OG for the next round of Stolen Valor awards


I 2nd that motion.


motion carried


Given the present make up of the court and recent decisions I figure it’s a 80/20 chance it will be struck down as being too broad.


4 Justices are pro-America, 4 Justices are anti-America, and Justice Kennedy will always vote in favor of broadening and protecting free speech. Since lower courts have established that stealing valor is not fraud, but is an exercise in free speech, this is already a win for side promoting the stealing of valor.

On the flip side, had the politicos simply amended state and federal law covering fraud to include the false use of militaria, this wouldn’t be an issue.


HR1775, have your Congresspeople throw their support behind that!!!


Being one of the hundred, I don’t know if its a good sign or a bad sign, but it is something worth talking about.

I won’t try to spin it (like many California gun owners did after the open carry ban law passed) that the Stolen Valor Act being struck down would be a good thing because it finialy puts the matter to rest and gives us a chance to reset and craft a tighter law, but that is one possibilty.


The Mickey Lloyd (fake Silver Star, SEAL, etc.) fraud case is being looked at by the US Attorney of Northern Ga. They (US Attorney) keep crying about the law’s weakness and the fact that it is going to the U.S. Supreme Court (note Obama’s latest appointee: Elena Kagan who is anti-military- refused to allow ROTC at Harvard). I say what about forgery, theft by deception, etc? However, if I said I was a former federal judge, or former FBI agent, they would be looking under rocks and shadows trying to convict me. They have turned a government of rule of law, into one of picking and choosing. PC cases get to go first in line and resourced. Sad. I thought this was a government by the people, of the people, for the people…? Not with Stolen Valor.

Doc Bailey

there are times where Judicial review is absolutely vital. This is one of those times.