The phonies at the VFP and IVAW

| October 17, 2011

One of my ninjas sent me these photos that they found on the internet. The first is tracey harmon, former girlfriend of Adam Kokesh. Now, harmon never deployed, she was in the California guard or Reserves. Her IVAW profile was full of love and understanding. the same kind of love and understanding that she took with her when she visited Iraq last year with

I guess peace, love and understanding aren’t so glamorous.

Speaking of dipshits, if you saw this guy, you’d think he was a Vietnam veteran, wouldn’t you?

Well, that’s Doug Zachary, he’s not a Vietnam Veteran, he was chaptered out of the Marine Corps before he could be deployed. he’s doing what those clowns at IVAW are doing these days, wearing the T-shirt and not buying a Harley.

So I wonder how many of hese cumbubbles fit in the same category?

I see Ward Reilly, the phony Vietnam Ranger on the far right. the only real Vietnam veteran I see is portly Bill Perry, wearing his shower shoes . Perry was with the 82d in Vietnam, but then came back and joined John Kerry at VVAW and then lied about an ambush from which he hid out while his platoon was shot up. Perry finally admitted to me that he lied at Winter Soldier a few years back. He said his story was total “bullshit” to use his word, and that he only told it to get laid by the hippie chicks. But it’s Perry’s Vietnam service that gives creds to Reilly and Zachary. just like the actual Iraq War veterans get their service stolen by pople like Tracy Harmon.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Feel free to jump in here anytime, trolls. I mean, you’ve ignored all the other evidence of your malfaesance so far, why come correct now, right?


Lying, cheating, and stealing are okay if it’s done in the name of justice. The ends always justify the means. Need to make a point about senseless war? Just blow up something, defecate anywhere you would like, send a hocker toward a person in uniform, attack those whose earnings are more than YOU think they should be, encourage class warfare by appealing to the worst in the human character (e.g., jealousy and envy), redefine patriotism to mean treason and redefine courage to mean cowardice. Anything goes. It’s all good. Not.

Doc Bailey

the truth is usually the best policy, because it will eventually come out.

If you’re a loser and want to make yourself more important, you can Lie all you want, but chances are you will only end up being MORE of a loser in the end.

too bad VVAW can’t let go.

As for the chick. Eh, I might do her. Provided there’s alcohol involved. I’m willing to take one for the team.


Eh, Jonn…Perry was 1/506 101st ABN not 82nd.


May I make a request for more cleavage next time, please? Makes the picture more palatable.

And no, not of the old dudes, thanks.


I would only add to what DaveO says…A transparent thong.

Casey J Porter

Looks like some people never cary on with their lives.


Wtf is wrong with you people? Tracey is not even with that asshole anymore and is trying to seperate her life from your bs. Just leave the girl alone and grow up already. She has been gone from you guys for a while now. Do us the same respect and leave us alone. And unlike her last boy friend I am man enough to tell you all to piss off. This is coming from a man whose father is a Vietnam Vet and fights every day for you guys so do me the respect and leave her alone and quit stalking her.