Poseur lawyer; everybody is SF

| September 25, 2011

Jeff sent us a link to a lawyer’s webpage in which Kelly Gamble (Murphy) makes the claim that she and her husband were assigned to a Special Forces unit;

I met my husband (also an Army Veteran) while finishing my last overseas tour of duty in 1988 – we were both were [sic] assigned to a Special Operations unit.

Jeff tells me that he was in the same unit as Kelly, back in the California Reserves in Oakland and he doesn’t remember anyone in his unit being assigned to Special Forces. They were in a civil affairs battalion, which could have had dealings with Special Forces units, but as an assigned member?

And her records don’t bear that out either;

Sure all Special Forces A Teams have a veterinary food inspector assigned to them, it’s as important a job as the weapons, demo, commo and medical team members. Who else is going to check the food of the Team’s puppies and kittens?

Gamble makes the point of telling her prospective clients how she is proud of her 11 years of service and then she pulls the “Special Operations” thing out. Apparently, she wasn’t proud enough to refrain from pulling the Special Operations shit out.

Jeff says that he warned her to pull that reference off of her website before he wrote to us. I guess she doesn’t know what dicks we are…until now.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Actually, by today’s standards, enlisted personnel who are assigned to a special operations unit (such as civil affairs, psyops, sf, reg, and SMUs) can be submitted by 4187 for a “S” identifier… Permanently labeling them as special operations force personnel. It was assumed support personnel informally earned SOF (not SF… Big difference) status for many years…. They formalized the process into the Sierra skill identifier a few years ago. The idea that everyone in SOF is an operator is a fantasy… Without the logistics footprint of a headquarters company and a company headquarters, a special forces team will have not be able to operate… Period.

raul duke

Jrock, i just checked to ensure i am not talking out my ass, gnomesayin’? And the “S” identifier is not for MOS 37F or 38B, so that means neither psyop or CA can hold the S identifier. plus who gives a fuck, when you have either E or V identiers, gnomesayin’?


Good post but I was wondering if you could write a litte more on this subject?
I’d be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit further.
Bless you!

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