The smell of jailed hippies in the morning

| September 26, 2011

Hippies in chains

Nothing makes me happier than to see hippies thrown in the hoosegow, so this week is promising to be a good one. this happened at the Wall Street protest Saturday, where the hippies are trying to see how long they can go without taking showers and force Wall Street to shut down. The young lady in this video seems to be angry that someone stole her tits.

Yes, yelling “Let her go” always impresses the police and doesn’t make them want to arrest more people. I guess about 90 of the filthy creatures were arrested according to the Financial Times.

The video didn’t finish running for me either, so it’s not just you.

Category: I hate hippies

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Yeah, support the “99ers” who are getting arrested for fighting those evil corporations on Wall Street.

That name is really annoying me because I’m trying to figure out what they have in common with 99% of the population. It definitely isn’t common sense, hygiene, or political beliefs.


#1 Daniel: think the point of commonality is Sesame Street. Only they moved from Elmo to Emo.


You know, a couple of CS grenades and this problem would be fixed.


What a bunch of frickin’ spoiled brats.

The mainest problem being that they have a prearranged plan to GET arrested, so everyone who managed it moved up their (misguided) food chain. Oh, joy.

Best advice still for those who must deal with them for some reason is to bring a camera and film your entire interaction with them.

Country Singer

Dammit Jonn! I almost spewed fresh Green Beans coffee all over my gubermint ‘puter when I read that “stole her tits” line.

Old Trooper

Flagwaver; nah, leave the CS grenades out of it and just throw open packets of CS powder at them. That way it’s the gift that keeps on giving, because they don’t take showers or change their clothes, it will last a good long time.


OT, the only problem with that is that it might kill off the mites and lice they have picked up being in such close proximity to other unwashed cretins. Otherwise, your idea is much better.


Crowd seems to think she should be read her rights as a prerequisite to being arrested, as opposed to before being questioned.


Olive Oyl has a better rack than her.


Alice, that’s because they watched too many reruns of Law and Order.
Wait for the temp to drop, then spray them with a 4inch line from a pumper, then just stand there and watch them, then throw the CS powder on them.


Did she really say “I ask not be judged”? Aside from poor english I’m not sure what this means other than “crap they really are going to cuff and stuff me. International Answer told me they were afraid to do anything to us”