Just an excuse to raise taxes on the wealthy

| September 20, 2011

The Washington Post has finally decided to fact-check the President, and of course, they come to the decision that his plan doesn’t raise taxes enough…because, you know that’s all the Liberals want to do.

…the package in the end may serve more as a campaign document. If so, that would be a shame — most of all for a country that cannot keep putting off the day of fiscal reckoning.

Well, why shouldn’t it look like a campaign document…this administration has been in campaign mode since 2006, why should they stop now? In another piece, WaPost’s Glenn Kessler picks apart the proposal;

Analysts have decreed that President Obama’s speech in the Rose Garden on Monday was a political statement designed to rally his political base rather than engage in real negotiations with Republicans on Capitol Hill…

In other words, the whole purpose of the proposal is strictly to raise taxes on the wealthy to mollify the Left…it’s purely class warfare. But I don’t see anyone who thinks that everyone should shoulder their “fair share” recommending that Congress cut their staffs or reduce their pensions. So which classes are doing battle here?

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Taxes

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Problem is, the definition of “wealthy” keeps getting moved by the left all the time. They can’t honestly say they’re going to raise taxes ONLY on those making over $200/250K per year because even they’re smart and pragmatic enough to know that won’t even make a dent in the trillion-plus dollar deficits they’ve generated the past three years. The result? The 49 percent left paying taxes all pay more, not just those making over $200K. Indexing for inflation goes away, loopholes go away, mortgage interest deductions go away, etc., etc.

We are so well and truly fucked until January 2013.


“a political statement designed to rally his political base rather than engage in real negotiations with Republicans on Capitol Hill…”. Yeah, that’s all it is. Class warfare, to appeal to the 51% who don’t pay anything, I’m sure most of them think this is a great idea.


I noticed the Dem-controlled Senate is so on fire for the SCOAMF’s financial plans that they’re going to schedule legislative action for next month – after the fall recess.


“…recommending that Congress cut their staffs or reduce their pensions.”
No, no, Jonn. That’s, “…cut their staffs AND reduce their pensions.”

B Woodman

Need to distinguish what kind of “wealth” Obeyme is talking about.
He wants to up the taxes on the EARNED INCOME STREAM of the working “wealthy”, as opposed to the accumulated banked non-income of, say, Congress-kritters.

If “The Great He” wanted to tax ALL the wealth of ALL the “wealthy”, there would be such a scream and howl of protest to high Heaven (oh – I forgot – the Leftist Libturds don’t believe in any Higher Being outside themselves).