On “breaking faith”

| September 20, 2011

Remember when I reported to you on the President’s speech to the American Legion Convention in Minneapolis a few weeks back and I mentioned one particular line from the speech;

Promises to keep promises to returning veterans. Promises to “not balance the budget on the backs of our veterans”. That will remain to be seen.

Here he is at about 19:56 minutes into the speech making that pledge;

Well, according to the Washington Post, he broke that promise yesterday (obviously, I’m not surprised);

The deficit reduction plan put forth by President Obama on Monday would increase pharmacy co-payments for military beneficiaries and establish a first-ever annual fee in the military’s Tricare for Life health benefits for Medicare-eligible retirees.

So, that promise of free healthcare for exchange for our faithful service is just so much empty promises.

But while describing the military retirement system as “out of line” with most other government or private retirement plans, the White House balked at making any immediate major changes. Instead, it announced plans to establish a board similar to the base realignment commission (BRAC) to make long-term reforms to the military retirement system.

Wary of the political fallout from cutting benefits for troops serving in two wars, the White House plan said “any major military retirement reforms should include grandfathering provisions that ensure that the country does not break faith with military personnel now serving, including those serving in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

Yeah, they’re going to pass off the tough decisions to an appointed board so that the administration can deflect blame for the impending changes to an unaccountable bunch of idiot civilians. Nice leadership.

if you’re jacking up our healthcare premiums and co-pays, that already counts as “break faith”, numbnuts. You made us promises, we did our part and now you’re changing the rules. How is that not breaking faith?

The VSOs are getting their hackles up;

“When you look at military retirement and health-care plans and try to make them more like civilian plans, it’s an apples-to-oranges comparison to us,” said Mike Hayden, deputy director of government relations for the Military Officers Association of America.


Richard L. DeNoyer, the national commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, called the proposals “an extreme breach of faith” with members of the military.

Peter Gaytan, executive director of the American Legion, said that while the veterans organization “fully understands” the fiscal crisis, “we don’t feel targeting the small percentage of Americans who have chose to serve our country is the way to solve it.”

We need another Dave Rehbein (I know he reads this blog) who’ll stand up and tell this administration what’s what as far as veterans are concerned. I warned three years ago that this administration would arrive at the conclusion that they needed to screw veterans to accomplish their agenda. And it was less than a month ago that the President promised the American Legion that he wouldn’t balance the budget on the backs of veterans – and yet here we are already feeling the pain.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Veterans Issues

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Suprised? I’m not. Disgusted and disappointed but not suprised. 4 more years until 30. Hope I can hold out and hope there’s something left at retirement


Three weeks from the lie until he shoved in into their asses. A new record.

Christ, even his base thinks he’s full of shit.


I’m still wondering just what the Legion expected in having Obama and Pelosi in MN. Why would either one of them change horses in mid-stream just for veterans? They are what they are and just need to be gone.


Now they’ll have more money to buy votes and/or study the mating habits of the fruit fly!


Hasn’t the GOP also included raising Tricare rates in future Defense Authorization Bills?


Historically, meaning since long before yesterday, Democrats favor many of the programs desired by the DAV, VFW, and American Legion. The GOP prefers to put the money into Active Duty servicemembers.

Were I one of the officers of one of those organizations, and I wanted $$$ for TBI, job retraining, or additional funds put into the full-time caregiver program, I’d be wining and dining every Dem I could.

$$$ = votes, and even though Obama is a SCOAMF, Pelosi is a real politician and its her job to get votes.

Sgt. D

He was blinking rather rapidly during that time hack too!


Where’s the Obama fluffer to explain to us why this is such a good thing?


@6. DaveO. After reading your comment, I wondered if that was so–are the vets orgs tied to Dems because Dems help veterans while Repubs tend to help active personnel. I looked at the history of the GI Bill (Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944) for some sense of historical perspective (i.e., before 10 a.m. today). The first draft of the original bill was penned by former Republican National Committee Chairman Harry Colmery, a WW I vet. Later, Warren Atherton, another Republican, became known as the Father of the GI Bill and was aided by yet another Republican, one Edith Rogers. There’s much more, including the bill’s bolstering by the Nixon and Ford administrations. Maybe that history is too ancient or my look too narrow but it strikes me that the Republicans have been more active in helping veterans than their counterparts.

Old Trooper

I expected this to happen, that’s why I declined to attend that day. I didn’t want to be in the room and hear him lie to my face. How did I know he was going to lie? Easy, his lips were going to be moving. Jonn, TSO, and Mr. Wolf took one for the team by attending that day.


TSO didn’t, as TSO was in PA testifying before the state house.


#9 2-17AirCav,

I’m researching the 112th Congress. I’m using the govtrack.us website, with the keyword “veterans.” There are 464 House Bills that come up. This may take a while.

Thanks for the good information though!

Old Trooper

Oh, that’s right, I forgot that you were doing you planes, trains, and automobiles routine.


OT–you think TSO would ever do something like THIS?


From day one, I never trusted the Pied Piper and this is just more of the same. We know who he is for and who he is against.

At B5, a commenter said this:

“Isn’t it interesting that when Obama speaks of “sharing” the wealth, it’s about taking from those who earn and giving to those who don’t, but when he speaks about “sharing” sacrifice, it’s about taking from those who sacrificed most to give to those who sacrificed least?”


I’d like to say I am thoroughly disgusted, but I am so far beyond that emotion that this post didn’t even make me bat an eye.

This is just another slap in the face added to the others that have been handed to us by politicians of both parties. They have no idea of selfless service nor of the sacrifices made in that service.

AW1 Tim

What Trent says.

Obama has had it in for all veterans & active duty folks since day 1 of his presidency. heck, he’s hated anything to do with American values and patriotism, and especially the Constitution since he was born.

The best thing that could happen to these United States would be for him to lose the election, and then take his family and move the hell back to Indonesia where he belongs.

Have him take his deadbeat relatives in Boston with him too.