Holder pledges to EU closure of Guantanamo

| September 20, 2011

Even though they’ve failed to close Guantanamo even with their own party in ccontrol of Congress for two years, the Obama Administration pledged to close the facility before the next election. And if they can’t, well, then they’ll close it after next Fall’s election according to the Associated Press;

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said Tuesday that the Obama administration will do its utmost to close the U.S. prison at Guantanamo Bay before next year’s presidential elections despite political opposition.

Holder said at the European Parliament that even if the current administration fails to close it ahead of elections, it will continue to press ahead if it wins the November 2012 presidential vote.


The campaign promise to close Guantanamo has been a major problem for President Barack Obama since he took office. He had promised to close the prison within a year but it remains open as his campaign for re-election gets under way.

Yeah, well, they still don’t have an acceptable plan to close it and they’ve had five years to come up with one, but they didn’t want to tell the electorate what they’d do, just platitudes and that’s how they got elected. Right along with everything else they promised and haven’t delivered on over the past three years.

And what is Holder doing making the promise to the European Parliament, anyway? Are the Europeans stepping up to help us manage these prisoners and enemies of the West? It’s their war, too.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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even with their own party in ccontrol of Congress for two years

Almost five now, although with the GOP majority in the House it’s not likely any vote to cut funding to Gitmo would ever pass.


Funny that Holder always faces the wrong way.

Fast & Furious: looking away.

New Black Panther Party Voter Intimidation win: looking away while giving the order to deep-six the already won case.

Illegal Immigration: looking to La Raza for guidance.

Now, to cover his butt, promising Europeans he’ll close Gitmo. What? He’s worried the ICC is going to nab him? Shouldn’t he be facing Americans and making that promise?

Holder makes Reno look good.


Sparky, President Present will just close it by executive order, that’s the way he governs. Recess appointments and executive orders, because you can’t ever do anything when you control the White House and both houses of Congress.
But, this has to be done before the 2012 elections, to shore up his crumbling base.

Cedo Alteram

This is more political theater. He may have said this in Europe, but it was aimed at the like minded here at home, to mobilize for the next election. There is absolutely no chance of this going anywhere. Obama has all but publicly aquiesced to its remaining open. On a practical level they simple have no other alternative in either policy or institution.