Typical crazed Vietnam vet

| September 15, 2011

The typical crazed Vietnam veteran story; homeless man and woman under a bridge discussing the man’s trials and tribulations of the Vietnam war decide to hold each others’ heads under water to see who can stay under the longest. Woman holds man’s head first, then it’s the veterans’ turn…he has a flashback of combat in Vietnam while holding her head under water and mistakenly drowns her…the war’s fault.

Well, unless the man has no military record;

Lufkin defense attorney Al Charanza said Wednesday that his client, Winfred Kilgore, 55, has no evidence of a military record. Kilgore faces a murder charge in the death of 48-year-old Joy Bybee, who drowned beneath a Lufkin bridge.

A little simple math might have precluded the search for a Vietnam war record. He’s a year younger than me and I was a year too young for the last draft lottery. And, by the picture above, he looks like his 55 years were a lot rougher than mine. I only included the picture because he looks just like someone I know, but I can’t quite put a name to the visage.

Anyway, I used the phrase “typical crazed Vietnam veteran” title because it’s typical in my experience that few, if any of the homeless I’ve met who claim to be Vietnam veterans are actually Vietnam veterans…they’re mostly drug-addled cranks who prey on the hapless soft-hearted.

Thanks to 1stCAVABN11B for the link.

Category: Phony soldiers

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Pat Patterson

I used to work in a surf shop that was way to close to a biker bar. One night we heard screams from inside the bar then screaming outside as two middle-aged guys spelled out onto the sidewalk who were trying to fillet each other. One succeeded and was screaming something about the 1st Air/Calvary as he was being hauled away. I was told that the fight was over who was toughest, the 1st Air/Cav or the 3rd Marines. Later found that neither had been old enough to serve in Vietnam.

Zero Ponsdorf

Well… he don’t look like me! I don’t wear orange AND I have more hair.


You? Who said you Pons? I mean, that never even occurred to me. I assumed he meant Spork, or Army Sergeant.


The guilty find many ways to confess. Have you already been mirandized Zero?


He has to have “wet brain” to have come up with that “hold each other’s heads under water” story.


Anybody remember the show Highway to Heaven? This guy looks a little like Mark Gordon (Victor French). That’s what I saw when I first looked at the photo.


Adirondack Patriot

I think he looks a little like the guy from “Breaking Bad”.


Zero?? You looked in the mirror lately? (I wasn’t going to out you, but since you brought it up…)

(I don’t even like to admit publicly having any idea WHAT you look like! So maybe that doesn’t look anything like you. Yeah, you’re right…)