Nancy Pelosi at the American Legion 2011 Convention

| August 31, 2011


It’s like listening to that Miss America candidate a few years back on that video that went viral. She’s obviously partially retarded, because all she’s doing is stringing words together in an incoherent babble. But at least she’s not coming in here making idiot promises that she has no intention of keeping. Instead she’s telling the American Legion to do the heavy lifting of putting veterans to work.

She closed out her yapping with a Bush-borrowed phrase; “Leave no veteran behind”.

Category: Congress sucks

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USMC Steve

This ignorant liberal cunt is proof positive of what Ron White says – you cannot fix stupid.

and if ignorance is indeed bliss, this has to be one deliriously happy dumbass.


WHY would she even go to a convention like that?? She has all the interest in veterans that I do in a quilting contest!


Any veteran that hasn’t drunk the Kool-Aid to the point of a diabetic coma probably didn’t give her any more than the barest of polite applause. I just don’t see how.


I about choked when I saw that she actually showed up at the convention. I wonder if a team of Clydesdales had to pull her there. Who are all the hippies going to vote for once they learn of her betrayal?


I wonder at the reaction of liberal vets when seeing comments like these….do they laugh of do they just shake their head?


I don’t know CI how do you usually react? Oh snap…I just called you a liberal.


Oh snap? What, are you 8?


CI said:”I wonder at the reaction of liberal vets when seeing comments like these”

“Oh crap! They figured out the cruel joke we played”


8 1/2 jackass…




My problem with you CI is no matter what you say you come off as such an arrogant douche when you say it that I kinda tune you out and have a need to make fun of you. I tried to engage you in a discussion once, but you backed out when I asked your point. What the fuck does Constitutional Insurgent supposed to mean anyway?


what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul. That’s the best way I can describe her. This little quip seemed appropriate. ( and yes I know it’s from a movie)


@JSJ….surely you are sharp enough to have read through that previous discussion and realized that the various participants had devolved the original premise into several tangents. I stated my original position quite clearly in the beginning, and don’t quite have the time to engage somebody in a rehash, where they clearly could have figured it out themselves.

If that’s being an arrogant douche, fine. I’ll usually take that over immaturity and incivility. It doesn’t say much for you that you ‘have a problem with’ some guy on the internet. I don’t bear any ill will towards those with different opinions….I engage them in fact, to better learn the foundations for those positions. Unfortunately, I’m usually met with grade school rebuttals and playground name calling.

If you’re not in that category, I have no problem with discussing any issues with you, I just don’t generally have to gin up synopses.


Rich, that is one of the greatest movies of all time…btw? What day is today?

CI, In that discussion you lost any discernable logic, point or whatever you were trying to do long before I joined the conversation. I don’t think you had point to begin with. I was just hoping that you had something that I had missed in the reading. I wasn’t asking for a rehashing of anything. You were a raving lunatic with no point but you were acting like everyone else was an idiot. Now you want to act like you are better than everyone else…I think you landed on your head on too many times.


“You were a raving lunatic with no point but you were acting like everyone else was an idiot. Now you want to act like you are better than everyone else…I think you landed on your head on too many times.”

Once again……I’ll take that over immaturity and incivility. Thank you for almost being civil. I guess you don’t have it in you….


And once again you prove my point…I guess with your nose so far in the air you don’t smell the shit from the rest of us.

b'emet or

Ok I don’t care I’m only 7 1/2 after all and CI, you are just plain ghey……thats the problem. I have seen you comment different places and you seem to be disliked in every single one of them…..

what do you get out of being such a douche?


C’mon, JPJ, CI is better than anyone else, just ask him. He just engages in facts, when no one else does. Unfortunately, he’s “met with grade school rebuttals and playground name calling”. See,no one measures up, in his eye, to the magnificence that is CI.
I wonder, if, when it rains, he gets water up his nose. Sorry for the “immaturity and incivility”. And, don’t forget, CI votes R, he said so. And, there’s absolutely no left leaning bias in the mainstream media.


@11JPJ Inquiring minds out here in fly over country have asked the same question regard the meaning of Constitutional Insurgent.


CI reminds me of the guy who tried to lecture me on the use of the word motherfucker. He couldn’t come up with a reason it was a “bad” word, but he felt the need to inform me that I was uneducated because I used it. I just pointed out that he was being an elitist prick and a pseudo-intellectual by pointing out that I violated some social norm that he subscribed to.



If you feel compelled to carpetbag a discussion from another forum, I suppose to compensate for a lack of substance here, at least have the intellectual maturity to accurately quote my position.

As to the rest of the tired shtick about how brilliant I simply must be in my own mind…you’re inventing dynamics that don’t exist. Again, likely in compensation for some shortcoming or another. It’s really beneath you.

Just Plain Jason

Once again the great one has spoken… I bet you love all the attention you are getting. I love the creative use of the term carpetbag, when bring up would have been ok…masengil?


You’ve confused attention with amusement.


Constitutionl Insurgent = Oathkeeper/Tides Foundation footsoldier?


Make that “Constitutional” instead of “Constitutionl.”


“Oathkeeper/Tides Foundation footsoldier?”

You certainly get points for a creative mixing of ideologies…but that would be a tough road to reconcile.


#26 CI:

“Constitutionl Insurgent = Oathkeeper/Tides Foundation footsoldier?” This is a question, not a statement. Can you answer it? You’ve consistently failed to address the definition, though asked three times in this thread.


Yes, I have consistently failed to address it. I likely would have done so sooner, had there not been the typical online tactless and immature blather.

But I will answer you, because you’ve been civil, in this discussion at least.

I believe our Constitution is the hallmark of what could be a great society. But the current state of affairs in our nation leads the political duopoly to use the Constitution in any manner they see fit, in order to gain and/or maintain political power. To buck the scripts and meme’s from both parties, in favor of the Constitution, it’s inherent liberties, and Conservatism in general…leaves me feeling like an ideological insurgent. The principles which we preach are no more than props in most cases. That disgusts me.

Frankly Opinionated

Standing in the lobby, looking into the theater as I munch my buttery popcorn, I feel that I should offer some advice: “CI, when engaging in a pissin’ contest it is best to stand upwind, as you have neglected to do here.”.

USMC Steve

Honestly, how many liberal veterans could there be? Being a liberal is diametrically opposed to military service. Libs are all about themselves, lack discipline and self control, and their grasp of reality is often lacking. Those are some of their best points too. Military service does not encourage any of those character traits.


@26 CI: I have to ask about the term “Constitutional Insurgent” also. I know the definition of the two words that you have placed together, but since it is not a term in common use, you probably have a particular definition in mind by linking the two together. What do you mean by Constitutional Insurgent?


DaveO, apparently, the learned one, CI, can’t come up with yes or no answers. And, wow,“you’ve been civil, in this discussion at least”. My, my, CI pontificates yet again. Must be you didn’t engage in “the typical online tactless and immature blather”.


Sorry…ignore #31. I posted before updating, and got my question answered above.


I believe our Constitution is the hallmark of what could be a great society. Fair enough But the current state of affairs in our nation leads the political duopoly to use the Constitution in any manner they see fit, in order to gain and/or maintain political power. Yes, current enough that it’s been going on since 1787. The parties come and go, change names and philosophies, but we still have a 2-party system. In regards to the duopoly, our Constitution’s 10th Amendment is the only touch point to the framework. The Constitution was designed to foster and encourage checks and balances. A duopoly is the most efficient form. Consider the Russian Duma (of the 1990s, not pre-1919, and the Knesset (based on the Duma of pre-1919). Pure, unadulterated chaos reigns. Fiscal policy in the Knesset: borrow more from the US of A. Fiscal policy of the Russian Duma? “By any means necessary.” Yes, our system has been streamlined over the years and not always in the best/long term interest of the USA, but it works. To buck the scripts and meme’s from both parties, in favor of the Constitution, it’s inherent liberties, and Conservatism in general…leaves me feeling like an ideological insurgent. The scripts and the memes are as widely varied as the species of birds in Montana. What has been going on around us with each major party is this: 1. The last of the Democrats are leaving for the TEA Party. Call them bluedogs, or conservative Dems, or Reagan Dems – they have no voice, and their votes are nothing. 2. The TEA Party is an insurgency that is meeting with great resistance inside the GOP. Love ‘em, hate ‘em – they are taking over the party at the base. This is a pretty vicious fight. For example, the Murkowski-Miller fight: no stone was left unturned in ensuring Murkowski returned to the Senate. She’s not as Progressive as Pelosi, but she does what she’s told to do. So the insurgency in support of the strictest interpretation of the Constitution is already happening. Then you’ve got the Tides Foundation… Read more »


@UpNorth – “DaveO, apparently, the learned one, CI, can’t come up with yes or no answers.”

You may have missed the fact that he didn’t ask a yes or no question. Perhaps your tired shtick isn’t an act afterall.

“Must be you didn’t engage in “the typical online tactless and immature blather”.”


@DaveO – “A duopoly is the most efficient form.”

Opinions vary, but I disagree. If the parties complimented each other in any way, then it would be the most efficient, but they of course, do not. People like me don’t find representation in either camp; a fact unrealized by bystanders who believe you have to be one or the other. When the choice is between dismal and slightly less dismal in minor issues….it doesn’t appear efficient.

“Yes, our system has been streamlined over the years and not always in the best/long term interest of the USA, but it works.”

Streamlining does not always produce the intended benefits. In our case, we have two parties that aren’t terribly discernible from each other, minus the media driven wedge issues. They’re both statist and apparently oblivious to the rise of the culture of entitlement and dependency. The one party that we would think can solve those issues, doesn’t….and throws in a measure of religious fundamentalism to boot.

“Ambiguity does not help your case.”

My online moniker has nothing to do with ‘my case’, but apparently distracts some who only skim the surface of ideas.


#30 USMC Steve Says:
September 1st, 2011 at 10:28 am

Honestly, how many liberal veterans could there be? Being a liberal is diametrically opposed to military service. Libs are all about themselves, lack discipline and self control, and “(their grasp of reality is often lacking.)” Those are some of their best points too. Military service does not encourage any of those character traits.

Except for that last one you’ve pretty much described me. which pretty much is why I’m more a conservative libertarian rather than a Republican.


“Constitutionl Insurgent = Oathkeeper/Tides Foundation footsoldier?” This is a question, not a statement”. Sorry, it looked like a yes or no question to me. What got my attention was the question mark at the end of the sentence. But, if you insist it isn’t, I’ll take your word for it.
“People like me don’t find representation in either camp; a fact unrealized by bystanders who believe you have to be one or the other”.
That may be true, but if one insists on going one’s own way, don’t be surprised when no one pays attention to you. The only “independent” voices in the congress are, in reality, democrats. One who was turned on by his own party, but can’t tear himself away from them, and another who’s party is not far left enough for his tastes. There are no independent voices in Congress, that I can see. And, probably won’t be for the foreseeable future. So, if one wants his voice heard, where is the best place to go to do so?


@USMC Steve – “Honestly, how many liberal veterans could there be? Being a liberal is diametrically opposed to military service.”

I had forgotten about this entry. It dovetails with my original comment. Apparently, there are more liberal veterans and service members than you are aware of.

@UpNorth – “So, if one wants his voice heard, where is the best place to go to do so?”

Good question, but I’ll wait until tomorrow when I have more time to dedicate to sharing my thoughts on this.