Bill Simon, CEO WalMart USA quotes

| August 31, 2011

“We love hiring veterans. They’re savvy, loyal. quick learners and, of course, team players.”

“We’re not waiting for the government.”

“Putting the economy back in shape will be hard…but not Fallujah hard.”

Category: Veterans Issues

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I think they should hire nothin but veterans for the way they treat them. One guy at the ammo counter acted like I had no idea what a bullet was. They DO NOT GIVE A VETERAN DISCOUNT, and they do not hire veterans around my area. I have tried along with Home Depots Program and they don’t do what they say.


Adam, sounds anecdotal. Do they claim to hire every veteran?


If you want a discount, stay in and shop at AAFES. If you want a job, stay in. If you want to get out, use your educational benefits.

No one owes vets anything that was not promised at contract signing.

We should be thankful for discounts, vet preference points, etc but they’re just perks and not deal breakers.

Put on your big boy gloves and get a grip on reality, Adam.


They’re savvy, loyal, quick learners, and team players. He must own huskies.

Jon The Mechanic

Really Adam?
At the Wal-Mart I work at, I have between 10 and 15% of the employees are Veterans. We work well together and in my department, led the region in sales.


I call bullshit. Retired senior NCO here. I applied, never heard a word back. I moved on.

Just A Grunt

I worked for Wal Mart for a brief time after getting out while pursuing a job in the field I took classes in college for. Got the computer related job and moved on. I have not a clue whether my veteran status had anything to do with me getting either job but I never approached it from a standpoint that they owed me one either. There are advantages to businesses for hiring vets and maybe it is because we have a large veteran community in my area but I haven’t seen any deliberate effort to not hire vets.

Today’s job market is brutal. Everybody is taking applications but very few are actually doing any hiring. The company I work for has several open positions but it is doubtful any of them will be filled anytime in the near future.

CI Roller Dude

That’s nice about Wally World hiring vets…I guess if it was working there or being totally broke, it’d be OK…but they don’t pay enough to support yourself/family.

I do remember when I got out of the “real army” many years ago and applied for local county/ city jobs. I’d take all the written test and interviews and score really high… then I’d see who I was compeating against (guys who never served, but knew the boss).
In a few cases I was told I scored only a few points below the guy they wanted to hire. Then I pointed out that they had not added my “5 Veteran Points.”
Then they looked sick and made up some BS story and hired the guys buddy anyway.
That’s how you really get a good job—knowing somebody…and I can say that after 32 years of police work.

Sgt. D

Lowe’s gives 10% To all Military/LEO Veteran or Active. At least mine does.

Toothless Dawg

I would love to get a few more vets where I work. In my unit of approximately 15-20 people, we have 6 vets. We have openings for Telecom/BB Data/Cellular/IT experienced, TS clearance required. Located on Quantico …Feel free to pass along a resume and I’ll run it by the hiring management. Hopefully we can get a two-way match.


#8 CIRollerDude: Amen to that.

Joseph Brown

Several years ago I applied for a job and one of the questions on the application asked if I’d received anything other than a dishonorable discharge! I asked the twit secretary and the human resources bigger twit if it was a trick question.
Neither knew the answer. I didn’t get the job. ‘Shoulda gone to Wallyworld.
Later on I took a series of tests for a job at BMW. I haven’t heard from them since July’95. I’m about to give up hope.


Even without a veteran’s discount, a box of 100 rds of 9mm is about 10 bucks less at Walmart than the PX at Fort Lewis.


@12: even after getting home from a root canal and having a few beers to dull the pain i can answer the question. YES! I have a honorable discharge. How is that a trick question? If you couldn’t answer that then maybe you should apply to the local 24 hr car wash.

Miss Ladybug


It’s the way the question is phrased. Why couldn’t they asked if the applicant received anything other than an honorable discharge? The assumption with the way that it is phrased is that most people would have a dishonorable one… What was it someone said upthread? It’s like asking “when did you stop beating your wife?”…