HuffPo: Ruger is the mass-murderer

| August 2, 2011

Josh Sugarmann, the executive director of the Violence Policy Center writes in the Huffington Post that it was the Sturm, Ruger & Company that has been committing mass murders, most recently in Norway;

The attack in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, apparently involving a Ruger Mini-14 assault rifle, is only the most horrific of the mass shootings involving the company’s products.

Founded in 1949, the “corporate motto” of Sturm, Ruger & Co. is “Arms Makers for Responsible Citizens.” But Sturm, Ruger firearms are also often found in the hands of mass shooters: last year’s attack at a Connecticut beer distributor, leaving eight victims dead and two wounded; the 1999 shooting at Wedgewood Baptist Church in Texas, leaving seven victims dead and seven wounded; Oregon’s Thurston High School in 1998, leaving four dead and 22 wounded; the 1993 Long Island Railroad shooting, leaving six dead and 19 wounded; the 1991 Luby’s massacre, leaving 23 victims dead and 20 wounded; and, a 1987 shootout at a Florida shopping center, leaving six dead, including two police officers.

Ya know, that’s funny because I have a Ruger Mini-14, with several high capacity magazines. I bought the rifle in 1984, and to the best of my knowledge, it’s never shot anyone. I also have three Ruger handguns, none of them have ever shot at anyone either. So, somehow, I must’ve got the duds – the weapons that don’t work because they haven’t shot anyone like Ruger apparently designed and programmed the guns to do.

If you go to Violence Policy Center’s website, they also have a report that tells how mass murderers prefer Glocks (.pdf). Oh, goodness, I own a Glock that hasn’t shot anyone, either. What are the odds that I would have five guns all known for committing mass murders and none of mine have shot even a single person in almost thirty years in my possession? I even owned the Mini-14 though the “scary-looking rifle ban” of the ’90s and it didn’t even point itself at anyone. And it has a pistol grip AND a flash suppressor!!!

Category: Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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B Woodman

Ever the Libtard way . .
Blame the scary-looking object, NOT the person responsible. Can’t EVER take personable responsibility for one’s own actions, can we now?
And also NO mention of the hundreds of thousands of times that guns have been used in defense and self-defense of property and life.

Jonn, you just happened to purchase the well-trained weapons (sit. . . roll over . . . heel . . .goooood gun)


OMFG…Just like it was the SUV that ran over the UNC student!! What reason can we give so that no personal responsibility is warranted?
Bush did it!!

Doc Bailey

Well the Suburban, and most of the larger SUVs are driven by soccer moms, who are often distracted and often cause a lot of accidents. Because the vehicles are so large and solid they shred cars. should we take those away?

How about the people who waste their life away smoking pot? Or how about the violence caused in growing it, transporting it, and in some cases selling it? Isn’t that a good reason to KEEP it illegal?

Since we’re at the guns are bad argument, what happens in countries that DON’T have guns? England, where you practically have to sell your soul to get a gun, crime is out of control. the Swiss, where pretty much everyone have not only a gun but freaking high powered rifles, there’s hardly any violence. JUST SAYING.

Just A Grunt

Hmmm, just thinking outside the box here. I know call me crazy. But I was wondering if maybe their was some other common thread in these shootings. Let’s see a church, a school, shopping mall, and a restaurant. All places where the only person with a gun was the perpetrator.

I think we can rule out the beer distributorship since that was obviously the work of mentally deranged person.

My wife had almost every Ruger handgun made, I say had cause she has sold some of them but for some reason she loves her some Ruger. Oh yeah and she has never shot anybody. Including me which probably grants her some sort of sainthood or something.

BTW Glock is expanding their manufacturing plant in our area. For some reason since Obama has taken office gun sales are actually remaining pretty good.

Sgt. D

Just another attempt to blame mispelt words on pencils!


And blame fat people on spoons.
And, the common thread, like JAG said, is the weapon-free zone. Not the shooter, or the weapon, but the weapon-free zone. Maybe we ought to ban weapons-free zones?