Tonight on the radio

| July 28, 2011

I’ve been asked by the guys at Libertarian/Republican to appear on their Blog Talk radio show and explain to their audience the connections between Iraq Veterans Against the War and Naser Abdo. They claim they’re Libertarians in the economic and social sense but not on defense. he made the point he’s not a Paulian. So we’ll see how that turns out. If you want to listen to it live, it’s at 8:30 EST and there’s a Blog Talk link in the sidebar of the website I linked above.

If you miss it, they tell me that they’ll send me a link to the interview and I’ll post it somewhere. But if you can listen tonight and give them a show of force from TAH.

Category: Bloggers

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“Libertarians in the economic and social sense but not on defense. He made the point he’s not a Paulian. ”

I dunno, a banner with both Ayn Rand and Barry Goldwater? I mean Milton Friedman is one thing but…geez.

Zero Ponsdorf

Oh boy… she is talking about male penises. Heads up Jonn. Don’t discuss that subject.

Eric Dondero

Actually, we consider pro-defense to be the TRUE libertarian position and the Ron Paulists or left-libertarians as we like to call them, posers.

For the record, I was Ron Paul’s Senior Congressional staffer from 1997-2003. I resigned in protest over his opposition to the War in Iraq.

Eric Dondero, Publisher

US Navy, 1981-85 (hon.)

Zero Ponsdorf

Eric #3: I rather strongly agree, you get a gold star.


Wow, I like you guys already then Eric. Good on ye, and thanks for your service.

If I find some other pro-defense libertarians, I might not be so embarrassed as to only admit to having “some libertarian tendencies” which is what I say now to protect myself from being associated with the Great League of Read A Book!11!!!!


I wouldn’t listen if my life depended on it. LOL!!

Marooned in Marin

Jonn: Here’s a link on that Bradley Manning rally:

Was listening to the show, you did great.

Zero Ponsdorf

Jonn just signed off. Even I didn’t give him credit. Little guy – big hammer.


@ #6 – Obama Gurl: That’s why you are viewed as being something akin to a flea or tick on a hound dog’s butt…