The radio show, if you missed it

| July 28, 2011

I had a lot of fun doing a mind dump. Thanks for inviting me, Eric. I hope you have as much fun listening to it as I had doing it. My portion of the show starts about half way through.

Listen to internet radio with Andre Controversa on Blog Talk Radio

Category: Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Zero Ponsdorf

Jonn = Primo!

Didn’t know he had it in him.




You were great, Jonn.

Toothless Dawg

Good work Jonn … it was an interesting show

Old Trooper

I agree with the hosts, Jonn, you should be on news talk shows like Hannity or O’Reilly, but you were born with a face for radio 🙂

All kidding aside, you’re right that all these connections will die on the vine without the msm picking up on it, just like before.


Thumbs up,John. Had no idea what was going on @ 17 South College Street in Killeen TX. Thank you for the heads up.

Website for Under The Hood Cafe link below (They already have a disclaimer up with a link to IVAW regard ABDO.

Doc Bailey

John you made a very good point about getting the word out. I don’t think the connections will be reported here either, but Lord knows they ought to!