Lazy Day Roundup

| July 4, 2011

Because of the July 4 weekend, the mainstream media and the interwebs seem a little more interested in the military and America than they normal are.    Here’s a compilation of some interesting things going on out there.

The last draftee retired from the Army after 39 years of honorable service.

Who doesn’t know someone who married for the benefits, or just to get out of the barracks, and maybe even got caught?   The news finds this newsworthy because they’re lesbians.

And an Ohio Vietnam vet got the OK from his HOA to fly his flag from a 15 foot pole.

I borrowed this link,  written by the father of a soldier from Kanani Fong, of  Kitchen Dispatch.

And if you haven’t, yet, catch up on the twenty-something posts Jonn made before he left!

Category: Politics, Veterans in politics, Veterans Issues

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Adirondack Patriot

Thanks, Boo. Good job, and Happy Independence Day too all my fellow patriots on this page.


Everytime gay marriage is discussed here, someone brings up that gay people always had the option to “get married”, but to people of the opposite sex rather than their same sex partner. Look how well that works out. They get accused of fraud to pay the rent. How is it fraud when so many seem to think it is a perfectly legitimate option for gay people to marry straight people they are not in love with. Some don’t seem to think love is a requirement for marriage, and if two people who love each other are the same sex that doesn’t call for a marriage either. According to that line of thought, these marines didn’t do anything wrong.