Thin skinned White House

| July 1, 2011

I snagged the above picture from Ace Of Spades. I’ve been looking for a reason to snag it all day, because I like it. A lot. And now Cortillaen has given me a reason with this link he sent us from The Daily Caller;

Halperin, a Time magazine editor-at-large, made his remarks at 6:08 a.m. ET, and NBC Universal issued a press release announcing Halperin’s suspension at 9:44 a.m. ET, within an hour of the end of the “Morning Joe” broadcast. The reason for the quick reaction could be because White House Press Secretary Jay Carney called MSNBC management.

“The comment that was made was inappropriate,” Carney at the daily press briefing. “It would be inappropriate to say that about either president of either party.”

“On behalf of the White House, I expressed that sentiment to executives at the network,” he said.

Can you imagine how often the Bush White House would have been on the phone to MSNBC during his tenure in the White House? It would have been an eight year-long teleconference. I mean didn’t someone just say to Obama, “Well, you know you have been acting a bit like a dick for the last few weeks, sir.” I wouldn’t have apologized…if he doesn’t know he’s a dick, he hasn’t been paying attention. But Jeff Poor at the Daily Caller article lists some other incidences that the White House has injected itself into the news business. I guess they’re not accustomed to criticism after the last two years.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Southern Class

How dare an employee of the Liberal Media say anything not sweet and nice about the liberal administration. I wouldn’t expect anything different from the White House, (“White House”, how racist), nor conduct any different from the powers that be at the damned MSNBC, TIME, etc.


Let’s see, the execs who can make that decision probably arrive at anywhere from 9am to 9:30am. Get coffee, or a Latte. Then the quick, panicked return call to the White House, and they’re told what to do? Immediately suspend Halperin, get the second cup of coffee, or a Latte, and call the WH back, from a position on their knees, slobbering into the phone that the rat bastard that called out Obysmal has been suspended.
And, Carney could have just made his feelings known, as could Obysmal. But that’s what MSLSD gets for the tongue baths they’ve given the administration. They’re owned, and are just finding that out.


BTW, that pic would make a great poster, or bumper sticker.


Remember all the hippie kids sporting their ” Buck Fush ” shirts? Screw em! A Dick is a Dick! Saving the Hope Dick pic for future postings!


People should insult Obama more!! That was fastest response to a “crisis” or problem.


Maybe he just needs a Snickers. “Mr President, have a snickers.” “Why, why do I need a candy bar? Do you know what Michelle will do if she knows I ate a candy bar?” “Well Mr. President you’re kind of a dick when you’re hungry”

Doc Bailey

Ann Coulter had a point in her book “Guilty”. Liberals will play the victim card, then wail for even minor criticism, after which they congratulate each other for how “brave” they are.

Here’s criticism for ya Barry. YOU SUCK. You’ve violated the constitution, spent us nearly into oblivion, and have exacerbated problems that we already had (Afghanistan, N Korea, Iran, Illegal immigration, a looming depression etc.)

Pull your head out of your fourth point of contact and change up. Obviously what your doing isn’t working.


Buck you fubba comes to mind…Mostly because he’s a commie rat bastage.

Southern Class

This was my take on Obumbler:
“Buck Ofama”


#3 UpNorth, It would make a great bumper sticker or poster, to get around any laws that may exist on disrepect of the POTUs, maybe it should say Richard Cranium and see how long it takes them dickheads to figure it out.


Hmmmmm…maybe we can all start making t-shirts of Obama with the caption, “Not My President” and giggle ourselves silly at how clever we are.


A dick supports reproduction, the President supports abortion. With a dick the stimulus succeeds, with the President the stimulus fails. A dick shoots sperm (useful. the president shoots crap (useless). Halperin should apologize to dicks everywhere.


DaveA, that might be too complicated for the granola crowd.