OK, that’s it

| July 1, 2011

It’s time for my annual vacation at Mom’s farm so I figure 28 posts in three days is enough. I’ve handed off control of the blog to the rest of the gang – there’s twelve of them – so there ought to be enough to keep you entertained through the holiday weekend.

If you’re standing along Route 220 or Route 15 in Pennsylvania or Route 14 in New York, wave as I head north for cooler climes.

I hope you all have a patriotic 4th of July.

Category: Pointless blather

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Have a happy 4th.


Everyone have a safe and great Fourth. Now get out in the back yard and set those $100.00 bills on fire!


Jonn? Tell Mom I said hey. You have fun, a safe trip see ya in a few days bro…

Mike D

From imdb.com comes this here nugget:

In Heartbreak Ridge Clint orders Stitch Jones up on a bulldozer to give cover to the squad advancing on the Cuban bunker, right? We’ve all seen it?

Turns out the scene is based loosely on a real event in Grenada and the guy who ordered his soldier up on the Cat was a 32-year old Captain in command of a company of Rangers by the name of John Abizaid.


OK Mikey D this has WHAT to do with the fact that Jonn is going to be AFK for a few days? LMAO

Mike D

11 Bravo it has far less than nothing whatsoever to do with anything.

but i am a social outcast and can only comment on a few webzones…i was watching HR on TV and following along on IMDB yesterday and reckoned no harm would fall upon the land if i busted out random trivia such as one might see in any open thread on teh interwebzones, mmm-K? thanks.