Flotilla halted by Greek Coast Guard

| July 1, 2011

True to their word, the hippies headed to break the blockade around the Gaza strip tried to slip out of their Greek mooring earlier. 25 minutes later, the Greek Coast Guard stopped them in their wake. (Ynet link)

Despite the Greek ban, the vessel left port around 4:45 pm Friday, Ynet learned. It was banned from departing by Greek officials citing technical problems, but chose to ignore the orders.

In a conversation with Ynet, organizers of the US boat confirmed the details. One of them said that a Greek Coast Guard ship approached the boat and that the two sides were engaged in dialogue.

Imagine that, Code Pink-influenced to flout authorities. I’d have never believed it.

Apparently, the Greek captain of the “Audacity of Hope” has more brains than Medea and her assembled sea hags combined.

Somehow, I don’t think the Grecian commandos will be as gentle with those hippies as the Israelis were last year. So far, they’ve alienated the Turks and the Greeks in just two days. I’m sure the Greek tax payers aren’t real happy with spending their scant money on keeping the hippies safe from themselves.

Category: Code Pink, General Whackos, Shitbags, Usual Suspects

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Am I the only one who thinks the Israelis shots sink them to the bottom of the Med?

Laughing Wolf

RobD, at this point, it would be much more to the benefit of Hamas for that to happen. Israel would be blamed no matter what, it could create a huge international incident, and give Hamas lots of room to play the victim and make some solid gains out of it. As someone noted in the other thread, it makes sense for Hamas to have done the sabotage and phoned it in and try to encourage Israel to get credit/blame. So, I have to admit that if they blow up or otherwise sink, my first thought will be Hamas not Israel.


Greece has been behaving rather recklessly of late. Why the sudden urge to be responsible?

Dave Thul

“I wanted the world to see them board this boat!”

Oh sweet irony, Medea demanding military force.


@ #4:

Yeah, it’s sort of like setting fire to a house hoping you’ll get rescued by a big, strong fireman.


Israel is going to ne blamed no matter what happens. Might as well take the shot….

Southern Class

Dave #4 said it best….
That wench just has no plan whatsoever.

Doc Bailey

Madea, I would like to see your boat that you’re too cheap to do maintenance on sink in the middle of the ocean.


I wanna see Medea out swimming sharks…….She just might earn a gold medal ya know.


What sort of genius thinks its cool to go protest someones actions in a foreign country? I hope theres an Israeli SSN to go sink their tubs…seriously. Freakin morons.

USMC Steve

Just torpedo the stupid fucks and leave them to swim home. Time to stop indulging stupid people who support terrorists.