Cummings: Gun laws hinder BATFE’s border ops

| July 1, 2011

Elijah Cummings, a Democrat representative from Maryland – the State that only issues Concealed Carry Weapons licenses when you can prove that you’re in imminent danger – told a forum that the real problem with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is not that they supplied Mexican cartels with thousands of weapons to fight the Mexican government, it’s that US gun laws are too lax;

Michael Bouchard, a retired ATF assistant director, said one of the ways his former agency strives to prevent crimes is by “disrupting and dismantling large and small firearms trafficking schemes, which put guns into the hands of violent criminals.”

“Unfortunately, criminals bent on acquiring guns can be very clever in the methods that they use to circumvent the law and avoid detection,” he said. “ATF and law enforcement must continually adjust to the criminal’s changing tactics and develop new strategies and tactics of their own.”

Apparently, criminals are so clever that they can stare at ATF agents and control their minds to let them walk with high powered weapons right into Mexico from US gun stores without being accosted. How do we fight that kind of cleverness?

Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke blamed America’s gun laws on the illegal flow of U.S. guns into Mexico.

“Yet as the six-month anniversary of Tucson approaches, we have still seen no change in our nation’s weak or non-existent gun laws,” he said. “We still have no federal law criminalizing gun trafficking, banning assault weapons and magazines or closing the loopholes in our Brady Background Check system that help arm dangerous killers and supply gun traffickers.

Yes, we should ban scary-looking weapons so that the BATFE isn’t tempted to let gun smugglers abscond to Mexico with their ill-gotten booty. That makes perfect sense.

Actually it proves more what the NRA and gun owners across the country have been saying – the whole problem isn’t the number and volume of laws, it’s law enforcement’s unwillingness to enforce laws. Smuggling weapons to Mexico is already illegal.

I mean BATFE had an opportunity to stop thousands of weapons from going to the cartels and they preferred to look the other way under the guise of an “investigation”.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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In his report, Representative Cummings omits Gunwalker’s body count. Even Ted Bundy wasn’t that cold-blooded.

Regardless, another elected Democrat has confessed to preferring lawlessness and a dimiution our Constitutional rights over simply enforcing law and order.

Sgt. D

Listening to this guy during the initial talks made me queasy! :puke:

Is this evidence to the scientific study showing that there indeed might be a liberal gene that defects the mind?

Doc Bailey

What I find truly interesting is that the places where the gun laws are the strictest also happen to have the highest crime rates. England is a great example. You practically have to saw off your left arm to get a gun, and crime is out of control.

Oakland, LA, NYC, Baltimore, DC, and Boston are all liberal bastions, where liberal thought is enshrined as holy writ, which one can tell with the inconsitancy with any and all policies, except for one. Guns. Evil nasty guns. Get rid of them. And yet. . . all of these cities are experiencing a crime the likes of which often beggars the imagination.

AZ, which seems to be where the most money is going to force “progress” is practically a warzone, and BATFE has done nothing to hinder it. Its like the mythical “Nero Fiddling while Rome burned”. We keep hearing that if we just crack down on guns, everything will be fine, but the more we do, the more problems we get. What ever shall we do.

Old Trooper

Cummings is an anti-gun, control freak moron.


“…we have still seen no change in our nation’s weak or non-existent gun laws…”

What I’d like to see is a change in our’s nation’s weak or non-existent laws concerning the dangerously mentally ill.


DaveO, of course Cummings omits the body count. He probably can’t remember it. Hell, during the last two hearings he couldn’t even remember Brian Terry’s name.


Doc Bailey, you left out the shining city on the lake, Chicago. Just about every city run by mayors who want the money from the military diverted to them have recognized no-go zones. And yet, they only see the “logic” of disarming their law-abiding citizens, not putting the asshats who actually break the law away, or in some cases, deporting them, after they do their time.


These numbers are amazing. I wonder what the difference is?

Violent Crime for 2010

Northeast down 0.4%
Midwest down 5.9%
South down 7.5%
West down 5.8%


@ #8 – Liars figure, figures lie?

B Woodman

“Brady Campaign President Paul Helmke blamed America’s gun laws on the illegal flow of U.S. guns into Mexico.”

Soooo . . . the US has weak gun laws BECAUSE of the “flow” of guns into Mexico? (snort!!)


If an American got turned around and found themselves on the southern side of the southern border, carrying a weapon, they would face 5 years in an overcrowded, inhumane prison.

If a Mexican were to get turned around and accidently find themselves in a DMV in CA, they’d get a Driver’s License with the application in their mother tongue. If they scooted on over to the local gun store, the ATF would expedite their purchase, even if the storeowner had concerns. If they accidently had some illegal substances on their person when picked up by the local police, ICE would hinder any checks on their legal status, since that is not a “violent” crime.

And anyone that takes issue with the way of that is “racist,” because “if America had stricter gun laws, Mexico wouldn’t be” more violent than Iraq. Blame America for the ills of the world, even if there is no basis for it, even if you can’t make a coherent argument for any connection.

But, what would the unemployment rate be, if we didn’t have 20 Million Illegals inside our borders?