WaPo: Fast and furious; It’s your fault

| June 27, 2011

Yeah, during the BATFE’s braintsunami operation Fast and Furious, more than 2500 guns ‘walked across” the Mexican border from the US while agents sat on their hands. And whose fault is it? Why it’s you, the NRA and defenders of the Second Amendment, according to the Washington Post Editorial Board.

THE GUN RIGHTS lobby has spent considerable time and energy in pursuit of one goal: crippling the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). It has largely succeeded — and with dire consequences.

Crippling them to the point of making the entire agency a lawless gang of imbeciles? Ya know, it might have made sense if they tracked 10 guns to the eventual end user, maybe 50 guns…but on what planet did they need to let two thousand five hundred guns get into the hands of criminals?

Of course, the Washington Post editorial board claims that we need stronger gun laws not more competent BATFE agents;

Lawmakers should give the ATF the tools it needs to fight illegal gun trafficking. They should enact stronger penalties for straw purchases and craft a federal gun-smuggling statute; close the gun-show loophole, which allows buyers under certain circumstances to purchase weapons without a background check; resuscitate the ban on assault weapons; and give the ATF the authority to collect data on multiple sales of long guns in border states.

Which of those things would have prevented BATFE agents from ending their operation? Because the fact that the BATFE engaged in this illegal operation is what caused it. Maybe the “scary looking rifle ban”…maybe. Gun dealers wanted to stop the obvious straw purchases, but the BATFE waved them off. 2500 times.

I snagged this link from DrewM at Ace of Spades. You should read it, too.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gun Grabbing Fascists, Guns

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Seeing as how the LSM gets their talking points in the morning conference call from the WH, I think this exposes that the object behind Fast and Furious was to grease the skids for re-instatement of the “assault” weapons ban. How the WaPo made the leap from Fast and Furious to “gun show loophole” is beyond anyone with a shred of common sense. Unless that was just included in the WH talking points they got that morning.
This can’t be laid at the feet of the NRA or citizens, it’s solely the fault of Obysmal, Holder, Melson and the SAC in the Phoenix office, and probably the US Attorney for Phoenix.


Only an effin’ retard could look at what was done here by the government and assign blame to law abiding gun owners…but then again, I forget I’m dealing with liberals who excel in assigning blame for virtually everything to someone other than who is truly responsible.


Well I tossed my 2 cents into the cess pool of comments at WaPo. I expect that none of the obvious and sensible comments will actually cause the “Editorial Board” of WaPo to step back and think.


This from the same bunch of mouth-breathing booger-eaters who had among their number at one time, Mister Carl “Warning Shot” Rowan.


Um, ‘scuse me, “criplling the BATFE”? Nobody stopped, impeded or otherwise interfered with the ATF doing stupid stuff on its own.

Miss Ladybug

Y’all see this. ATF whistleblower sent his termination notice…