Kamala Harris uses her middle class and Russian misinformation cards

| October 17, 2024 | 26 Comments

Kamala Harris addressed a question about reparations during an interview. She said that it should be studied, then followed up with something that happened during her middle-class upbringing. In another interview, Harris talked about the Russian misinformation from 2016 and how the Russians targeted Blacks. If these interviews are like the others Harris has done, there’s a good chance that neither of these answers addressed the interview questions. It’s like someone dodging a simple “yes” or “no” question.

On Reparations:

So my agenda, well first of all, on the plan of reparations, it has to be studied, there’s no question about that and I have been very clear about that position. In terms of my immediate plan, I would tell you a few of the following:

One, as it relates to the economy, which is a lot of what you have addressed. Look, I, grew up in the middle class, my mother, you know, worked hard raising me and my sister and by the time I was in high school she was able to afford our first home.

I know what it means for an individual and a family to have homeownership. I also know in the context of history, nobody got 48 acres and a mule.

On Russian Misinformation:

They have already started with the misinformation and the lies, we know that there is foreign interference, and I have to say to everybody listening to this. Don’t let them take your voice because I, I was part of the Senate intelligence committee when we investigated Russia’s interference in the 2016 election. Black folks were targeted with misinformation.

Category: 2024 Election, Kamala Harris

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Foreign interference? The mainstream media has been carrying the Dems water since the salad days of Saint Barry. Without a teleprompter and her “favorite earrings”, you see she’s just an empty suit. Camel-a is only there because she checks off some boxes. If she’s the best of The Left, the jackass party is in trouble.

Hack Stone

Foreign interference? Does that in life George Soros installing his chosen minions to install in key positions of local, state and federal offices?

Hack Stone

Does that include…

Hack blames his error on the cash flow problems at the corporate world headquarters of the proud formerly located on Wilson Drive and coming this Friday formerly located on Lonesome Pine in Bethesda Maryland.


Hack is having many syntax n’ format issues, witch remands me of a saying:

A poor chef blames his [outdated software].


Hell, if you read the social media “reeeing” on twitter, you would SWEAR Komrade Kamala CRUSHED the Fox interview last night. The cope is HARD


So nobody actually got 48 acres and mule? What happened to all those mules the government rounded up to give away? They didn’t make hamburgers out of them did they? Or steak sandwiches? Wait… is that how the Philly Sandwich originated?!

‘but who got all that land?


The Bureau of Land Managment. Stay off our property or you will be charged with trespassing, or whatever we feel lIke.


It was actually 40 acres and a mule. The original plan was to steal it from the plantation owners. They then decided to take it from those who served as officers in the Confederate Army, CSA politicians and the very wealthy. After Lincoln was murdered this was scaled back and there was less than 1/4 acre available for every freed adult male slave.

On top of that Black Codes were put in place prohibiting blacks from owning or leasing lands as well as a bunch of other restrictions that basically denied rights to blacks. This resulted in the 13th and 14th amendments brought by Republicans and Northern Occupation during the Reconstruction era.

Not that any of that means shit to Kamala Harris, her family showed up on our shores in 1958 and daddy in 1961. years, ninety years later. I am guessing she will be first in line for reparations.


Well, somebody has to manicure her lawn 😏


Cato had some good ideas…


You spelled manure wrong.

Hack Stone

Hack Stone has a Facebook friend who posted a meme about the Republicans doing all kinds of nasty things to People Of Color, particularly African Americans. He seemed to be under the impression that Democrats were the ones who passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Hack Stone pointed out that the Democrats were the ones blocking the legislation. His response? “Those were Southern Democrats.” Somehow, Southern Democrats are not the same as “regular Democrats”.


She is correct, nobody got 48 acres and a mule.


Has anybody else noticed that the words misinformation an disinformation has become a major spin topic on the MSM lately? John Kerry talking about the 1st amendment and how it must be controlled, Hillary talking about the possibility of losing the narrative and how much trouble that would cause? Seems to me we have just as much internal interference as external. I worry more about the internal, as they are closer to the levers of power.


They’re just telling you what the plan is once they steal the election for Camel-toe. The 1st Amendment will be the first thing to go, that way no-one can talk about it when they destroy the other Amendments. They plan on having all dissenters in camps by the time they just shit-can the whole Constitution and install themselves as supreme leaders.

Change my mind..


Anybody still thinking we’re gonna “vote” our way out of this sh*t has just flat not been paying attention…Prepare!

comment image?w=529&ssl=1


Just watched clips of her Fox interview over on Victory Girls.. Holy crap she’s dumb! (not to mention the disdain and anger she has for anyone that would question her supremacy. Very much reminds you of Zero, without the ability to give a rousing speech ala Hitler)


She’s losing and she knows it. I just hope all the leftist idiots on my Twitter feed finally STFU on November 6th.

But they won’t. They can’t.


We can only hope.. and vote like our lives depend on it, because they most assuredly do!


“These crimes are attacks on our democracy.”

FBI Warns Of ‘Election-Related Violence’ As It Beefs Up Safety Measures is just them prepping the battle space with shaping operations.
I fear that no matter the outcome, given the size and scope of propaganda, there is no f-in-way we emerge this terrible season without actions making 2020eightyfournineeleven look like a picnic.

Heed the warning: Prepare.

USMC Steve

The leftists have challenged the legimitacy of every election since about 1978.

Amateur Historian

Right, so this has been coming across my feed on YouTube and I’ve been rather hesitant to post about it here. That has been due to myself only seeing it on YT. None of the Mainstream news media has been reporting on it, so I’ve been rather skeptical. Another reason for my skepticism is because the content is crazy. But I was able to find an American Thinker blog post on, so I’m going to relent and let you guys be the judge:

USMC Steve

Illegal and unconstitutional directive. Now, whether or not the troops and their CO’s refuse to comply due to it being an illegal and unconstitutional directive remain to be seen.


Kinda reminds me of the song “Ohio”.

USMC Steve

Nothing to be studied. At all. For reparations or any other civil judgement to be legit, one must be able to demonstrate personal harm to themselves that makes them deserving of that judgement. No living slaves makes that pretty much impossible. And having been to four countries in Africa, I can reliably state that the worst case black in America is much better off than anywhere in that third world shithole.