Deja vu all over again

| October 22, 2006

Sitting here watching the Sunday morning shows, I was struck dumb listening to Democrats discussing options for the Iraq War. Specifically, it was on Fox News Sunday that I heard Joseph Biden posit the option to allow the Iraqi military to conduct a coup d’etat and unseat Iraqi prime minister al-Maliki whom Biden considers weak and not up to the task of leading Iraq. I immediately flashed on the 1963 coup in Viet Nam that the US State Department facilitated by looking the other way. It became the bloody shirt the Left waved through the later years of that war to illustrate the imperialist ambitions of the United States – fickle and blood thirsty ambitions.

Now, here’s a child of the 60s, Joe Biden, endorsing the same type of policy that the Left told us was wrong with this country. Well, at first I shrugged it off – until Juan Williams, a scant few minutes later endorsed the same option.

So now, having learned nothing from history, the Left, the party of the status quo, is promising us a return to the same types of programs that led to the downfall of their President Johnson who continued the policies and programs of  John Kennedy in regards to Viet Nam.

Democrats have been comparing the war in Iraq to the Viet Nam War since the opening shots in 2003, and now they want to follow the same failed policies that embroiled us in Viet Nam – and all the while preaching to us about “quagmires” and “Tet of ’68”. Add this to their alternating calls for more troops in Iraq while, in the same breath, calling for troop strength reductions. Telling us how they support the troops, but they don’t believe our troops can get the job done. Democrats hamstring our intelligence efforts which are clearly preventing attacks against the US.

Is this the kind of delusional, bipolar “plan” we’re being asked to support in the mid term election? 

Category: Politics, Terror War

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