2 arrested for plotting against recruiting and daycare centers

| June 23, 2011

Fox News reports that the Justice Department claims it has prevented an attack on a Seattle recruiting processing center by two Mormons..er, sorry, did I say Mormons? Those people who 44% of voters won’t elect? Sorry, you figure out their religion;

Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, also known as Joseph Anthony Davis, of Seattle, and Walli Mujahidh, also known as Frederick Domingue Jr., of Los Angeles, were arrested Wednesday night.

They were scheduled to make initial court appearances Thursday on terrorism and firearms charges.

The building, the Military Entrance Processing Station on East Marginal Way in Seattle, also houses a daycare. Recruits for all military branches are screened and processed there.

Agents became aware of the plot through someone the men tried to recruit as a participant and monitored the plot. The weapons the men purchased had been rendered inoperable, the government said.

Investigators said they have video and audio recordings of the men discussing their plans to attack the station.

Abdul-Latif and Mujahidh are charged by complaint with conspiracy to murder officers and employees of the United States, conspiracy to use a weapon of mass destruction, and possession of firearms in furtherance of crimes of violence. Abdul-Latif is also charged with two counts of illegal possession of firearms.

From ABC News;

“We’re not only trying to kill people,” the complaint quotes Abdul-Latif as saying, “We’re trying to send a message. We’re trying to get something that’s gonna be on CNN and all over the world.”

But, yeah, Potok and the SPLC are complaining that anti-Muslim hate is on the rise.

“We’ve seen a remarkable resurgence of anti-Muslim hatred around the country,” said Mark Potok, editor of the Intelligence Report. “Unlike the first and far more understandable wave that followed the Sept. 11 attacks, however, this one was largely ginned up by politicians and commentators pandering for votes and ratings.”

Yeah, none of it could have anything to do with the resurgence of terror plots, could it?

Category: SPLC, Terror War

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Old Trooper

2 muslim converts wanting to kill US military personnel; who woulda think it?? It’s almost like we’ve heard of some story like this before.


Man those freakin’ Quakers are freakin’ Troublemakers!

And targeting children this time!


So, this time, they decided to “render inoperable” the weapons they provided? Bravo, nice job.
Anyway, I’m glad that they managed to stop these two right-wing extremists Muslims. And, I’m certain no one will find that these two fine citizens were radicalized in prison. Wait, was that insensitive of me?


And Holder and Incomplitano concentrate on Veteran’s “Hate Speech,”groping old women and children in our airports and supplying weapons that kill our Border Agents to the cartels


I wonder if they are Marine Reservists? That excuse seems to work for the media covering the perp caught near the Pentagon.

B'emet Or

They were radicalized in prison. The photo the press is using is from the Dept. of Corrections.

This is most likely the Muslim Brotherhood in action……

Southern Class

Potok n SPLC think anti-muslim hate is increasing? I would hope the hell so. That proves that not all Americans have their heads in a dark, dank spot. As long as these ground kissing, ass in the air types are stealing our air, we will continue to learn about them.