Left’s dinghy beginning to leak?

| March 20, 2007

Janet Napolitano has seen the light, apparently. According the Arizona Republic;

Gov. Janet Napolitano’s recent statements supporting military operations in Iraq and saying she has no plans to call for a troop withdrawal are drawing criticism from members of her own Democratic Party who’ve lost patience with the war.

Napolitano made her first visit to Iraq this month at the invitation of Defense Secretary Robert Gates. After two days of conversations with soldiers, military commanders and other officials, she came away cautiously optimistic about the country’s security situation and the potential for success with the recent decision to increase troop strength in Baghdad.

“People that I met with were cautiously optimistic that they’re at least seeing improvement,” Napolitano told reporters at the time. “I think we’re restoring stability.”

Ain’t it funny that Democrats who actually GO to Iraq, Democrats who actually TALK to the troops (as opposed to talking AT the troops) come away with a good feeling about the job they’re doing over there. I guess that’s probably why Democrats stay away from Iraq and stay away from conservations with the troops. Why be honest now at this late stage.

“As a mom whose son is once again going to be asked to put his life on the line, his future on the line, I’m puzzled,” said Bohlen, co-chairwoman of the Arizona Progressive Democratic Caucus.

Well, maybe you’re puzzled because you’re clueless. Think maybe your son and your governor might have an edge on you because they’ve seen Iraq for themselves? Naw, that couldn’t be it.

Arizona Democratic Party Vice Chairman Randy Camacho was less pointed but noted just the same that Napolitano “missed a great opportunity to provide a definitive position on the war.”

Doncha mean she missed an opportunity to kowtow to the intellectually vacant Democrats? That’s OK, she’ll be dragged back to the plantation soon enough. Or hung out to twist in the breeze like Lieberman.

Category: Politics

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