Shiftless hippies unimpressed by IVAW

| August 28, 2008

Photo from People’s Press Collective

Readers may remember back in March the IVAW put out a call to ANSWER, World Can’t Wait, Code Pink, et al. to hold off their protests on the March 15th anniversary of the Iraq War so that the IVAW/VVAW/VFP/SEIU could conduct their Winter Soldier II theater at Silver Spring, MD without competing for the attention of the media. WSII fizzled and got virtually no attention from the media (despite a large presence of media) and a result, the protest against the war which happened five days later, on a Wednesday, drew less than a thousand protesters and, in turn, fizzled out, too. Many of the non-IVAW protest organizations blamed the IVAW for their piss poor performance.

Well, that bit of history seems to be repeating itself. According to one of the shiftless hippies caught in the theater of the IVAW yesterday;

It was at this point I started to wonder that we’re doing as well in Iraq as we are.  If these tactical geniuses are any indication of the military resources we have at our disposal, it’s a wonder every one of them hasn’t been slaughtered.

Anyway, back at Larimer and Speer, the I.V.A.W. negotiated some more (with someone), declared that the delegates had heard their message (somehow), and disbanded.


The problem is that the I.V.A.W. assholes had put a call out to the more militant protesters, claiming that they were gonna end the march by breaking through police lines and doing their damndest to confront the delegates face to face.   As such, they had a few hundred folks in the march who were ready and willing to put their bodies on the line for the assholes, and ended up wasting the entire day being herded around by police and ordered about by Medea Benjamin types.

I guess, I’d  point out to this shiftless hippie that these are largely the military’s rejects. Their tendancy to lie and their inability to lead is generally a result of living among the American population, not a result of their training.

I’d also pass along a warning to the Minnesota law enforcement – since Kokesh and Millard are there getting ready for next week’s protests, I’ll be betting they’re going to try and bulid their reputations up a bit. This may be their last chance. Kokesh has been willing to get arrested on countless occasions in the last year and he has yet to pay a price…he keeps testing his boundaries and since this war is winding down, he’s losing his cachet. I’d expect a grand last gasp gesture next week.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Media, Phony soldiers, Politics

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Oh, goodie! Citizen arrests of both Millard and Elvis.

Hey, they want to do that to Bush and Cheney…turn about is a biatch!


Jonn, your right that the majority of IVAW are rejects with maybe a few just misguided. The WM captain in the 2nd row is a good example of being a reject with her ribbons on up-side down.

509th Bob

[Sarcasm ON!] SUCH Heroes! SUCH Defenders! THESE are the people to whom the United States MUST look too to DEFEND American VALUES! Lined up RIGHT BEHIND the French (pre-Sarkozi, maybe).

Let us surrender on the beaches! Let us surrender in the hills! Let us surrender across the Rockie Mountains! Let us surrender in California before the jihadis even get there! [Sarcasm OFF!]

No, I, a 1976-1980 non-combat airborne infantry veteran, REJECT you LOSERS completely. I have previously expressed my views that Iraq veterans need to be supported by other Veterans, to help you cope with your issues. But these LOSERS are Deliberately Attempting to IMPOSE their “issues” upon the Honorably Serving, and Honorably Served, combat Veterans of the Iraq War. While I am willing to Honor your Service DURING the War, I will NEVER Honor your service AFTER the war. Your “colleagues” completely undermine your supposed “Support for the Troops,” and instead paint a picture of mind-damaged combat veterans who are TOO WEAK to adapt, overcome, and prevail over the mental-injuries that have been suffered over MILLIONS (perhaps BILLIONS) of those individuals who were called to serve their nations since the beginning of recorded history.

IVAW, I DESPISE you, your organization, and your individual members. I think of you EXACTLY in the same way that I think of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry. Until YOU show some ACTUAL reason to believe that your propaganda is worthy of listening too, I will NEVER take anything your members say to be worthy of my attention. There are plenty of us “senior bureaucrats” in Government, who are fully protected from “politically appointed” idiots, that we have no fear of Obama appointees [lest there be rather MAJOR civil lawsuits against such idiots, just the same as potential suits against Pres. Bush’s politically appointed idiots].

Off-Topic: Jonn, I’m happier than hell that you got your Blog-Roll working again! It wasn’t appearing for too long, and I missed being able to access the sites listed on your blog-roll.

My regards,

509th Bob


It was a nice way to wake up to find one of my fellow DISCOM dogfaces front and center in one of these photo’s. Martin was a bag of crap when she was a private and im suprised she may have made it farther than PFC. plus with all the class A inspections we had i’m suprised she still cant figure out the uniform. (how’d you pass the board). well I have forwarded this picture to our old Sargent Major and can’t wait to find the answer

The Sniper

Is it just me, or is that one Spc wearing her French Fouregaire (sp?) on the wrong side. I recall we wore ours on the left opposite our Blue Infantry cords.

Jonn wrote: I think you’re right. I’ve always worn the blue cord and worn the French Whistle (I can’t spell it either) twice (3rd Div and 82d Div) so it seems the whistle goes on the other shoulder. And the hangie string shouldn’t be visible either. I’m pretty certain they didn’t have a 670-1 available, though. Of course, it pales in comparison of YatYas’ catch of the upside down ribbons on the female Marine.


Only proves there is a big difference between those that have served honorably and these losers.
I have no sympathy at all for them.
At least they got one thing right, their freedom of speech.

Raoul Deming


Still…that’s a nice rank.

David M

The Thunder Run has linked to this post in the – Web Reconnaissance for 08/29/2008 A short recon of what’s out there that might draw your attention, updated throughout the day…so check back often.


Fuuuuuny! A nihilist fucktard venting angry disappointment at what should be his comrades.
And I thought the ‘rage against the machine’ had just as many assholes as the IVAW.