Who’s the RINO here?

| June 19, 2011


I quit watching that Judge Napolitano freak when he allowed Adam Kokesh on his show at least twice without mentioning even once that Kokesh was in IVAW. I turned against the Oathkeepers when they started making noises about supporting Kokesh’s election to Congress in New Mexico and when their “activist of the year”. Michael Maresco. was campaigning for Kokesh at the Oathkeepers’ table at CPAC last year. Now these so called “Liberty Candidates” are inviting Kokesh to speak at their 9-10 event in NYC to “vet” candidates so they can root out RINOs.

Notice that Kokesh and Moresco are both listed as speakers.

Here’s Liberty Candidates’ Mission Statement;

Yeah, the Liberty Candidates are just a bunch of Ron Paul creeps in their constitutional disguises again.

Thanks to JonP for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Politics, Ron Paul

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Kokesh can go to hell. People need to remember that he along with IVAW and Code Pink buddy-F’d his comrades.

Cedo Alteram

Yep Ron Paul affialted douchebags. Pox on all of them.

As for the judge, I stop paying attention to him long before his show debuted. I watch FBN on occasion, but when he comes on I change channels. He’s one of these guys who blames Lincoln for holding the Union together. The Federal government maybe responsible for alot of our problems for sure, but not every single one of them.

I’m not an interventionist, or noninterventionist. I am an old fashion nationalist/Jacksonian. We fight for our honor, our allies, and above all our national interests. If that means fighting over seas on occasion, so be it. I’m not keen on interventions, on humanitarian grounds, or at the behest of multiilateral institutions, or to make the world a better place. If doing so in a certain locale advances our security, again, so be it. Thats hardly a belief in interventions for the sake of interventions.

These cats lack basic critical thinking skills.


Great! Just Freakin Great! Tom Woods aka Thomas Woods is Senior Faculty member at Ludwig von Mises Institutie.
He also blogs over at the 10th Amendment Center… and I thought he was legit. after seeing all this…guess not

*sigh*…more coffee please


Kokesh is a attention whore.

“Non-interventionist foreign policy” means that when we are attacked on our soil and watch 3,000 of our people murdered, and we don’t respond militatily. We just pretend it never happened and move on.


I would love some dipshit Paulbot come to come over here and tell me I’m wrong too. Come on, I dare you.


If history is any kind of teacher, they’ll show up soon, Ben.
And, Manny Badillo is a 9-11 Troofer. Susman is a Paulbot, as is Jordan Page, Zeese is Greenie.
So, what could go wrong with this group trying to, hand in hand with the media, pick candidates for the R’s to run?


Bottom feeder just trying to get laid by hairy armpit hippy chicks and a total disgrace to the Marine uniform. If these asswipes are anything like the VVAW during the 70s most of them were’nt vets or never left CONUS.

AW1 Tim

I was initially drawn to Oathkeepers. However, the more I read, the more something didn’t seem right. Suddenly I realized what it was: Ron Paul dogma repacked and being sold to the unsuspecting. That group has been deeply infected with them and sadly, many good people don’t know the connection.

One Ninja

Thank you “Matthis Lies” for calling out Kokesh at the end of this video…


Someone left that piss and Xanax in the fridge just a little too long.


Mike Church is also going to speak at the event. Having spoken to Mike several times I can tell you that he knows the Constitution and the Founding Fathers like no-one else and supports our troops without question. I bet he has no idea that turdball adam is going to be there also.


Oh, I also had a short and sweet back and forth with Gigi at liberty candidates apprising her of what an assclown Kokesh was and she was quite pleased that Kokesh and anarchists were all there to talk. Apparently the irony of anarchists speaking at an event to highlight candidates for Government office was lost on her. She told me I wasnt her friend and that was that.


I just emailed Mike Church to tell him I will not be listening to his show anymore since he is speaking at the same event with Kokesh. Church’s reply was a joke…he claimed everyone there were true conservatives and real libertarians!