Waiting on gun control

| June 20, 2011

According to Fox News, the gun control crowd has a bug up their ass about no new gun control legislation after the shooting of Gabrielle Gifford in Tuscon last winter;

“We’re coming on the six-month mark since the shooting and still nothing from the administration,” said Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign. “It’s time for some action.”

The Justice Department deliberations began in March, after the president broke his usual silence on guns in an opinion piece in Giffords’ hometown newspaper, the Arizona Daily Star. In it, he called for “a new discussion on how we can keep America safe for all our people.”

Even then Obama steered clear of ambitious declarations, timelines or goals, but he did call for “sound and effective steps” to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, including strengthening background checks. Obama said that “if we’re serious about keeping guns away from someone who’s made up his mind to kill, then we can’t allow a situation where a responsible seller denies him a weapon at one store, but he effortlessly buys the same gun someplace else.”

Here’s my advice to the gun grabbing fascists; Wait until Obama’s next term. He’s bright enough to know that he’ll lose the 2012 election if there’s even a whiff of any gun grabbing legislation. So just be patient.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Gun Grabbing Fascists

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Oh, it gets better every time they try it.

Which reminds me. My town was supposed to get my CCW permit renewal back to me in 14 days. Submitted 14 days ago. This oughta be good to hear the excuse I get this morning.

Old Trooper

Laws aren’t the problem, there are 22,000 (federal, state, and city combined) laws already on the books. The problem is failures in they system caused by incompetent leadership at those same levels of government. In Tuscon, sheriff Dumbass, and his department, couldn’t be bothered to do their job properly because of politics, but he then had the balls to come out and make political statements as to the motive behind the Giffords shooting. You have the ATF telling gun shops to let straw purchases take place, even though the shops were following the law and were not going to make the sale.

Instead of adding another law that won’t do squat to stop criminals, but will make it much more difficult for law abiding citizens to protect themselves, they should enforce the ones already on the books.

I don’t need some limp wristed panty-waist from the Brady campaign, nor the government, to tell me what I can and can’t use to defend myself and my family. It’s not your call, according to our Constitution, and unless I’m harming someone else, it’s none of your fucking business what I have for firearms.

I wonder how these lobbying groups would like it if there were restrictions put on them? Would they start babbling about the 1st Amendment?

Frankly Opinionated

Gun Control? The gun sales industry showed that they can in fact, police themselves when they went to the BATFEMF’s with the info that some were buying too many guns. Only the gummint, (under the present administration), screwed up. If we want better gun control just abolish the BATFEMF and leave it to the industry, (sales, buyers), to police themselves. Once again, there is nothing, NOTHING AT ALL, that the government does that the private sector cannot do better, safer, less costly to the taxpayers. Nothing.

fiftycal aka John E Ritenour

Gun Kontrol – if you believe in it, than consider this. There were 9 major genocides in the 20th century. They all had two things in common: They weren’t done by idiots dressed in designer sheets yelling pejorative racist epithets; they were committed by central governments. And: they were all preceded with confiscatory gun control. Central Governments murdered 56,000,000 people alone in the 20th Century – more than died actually fighting all wars that occurred during this time frame. For those that aren’t convinced, take a look at the First Million Mothers March that occurred.


And here is a list of Gun Kontrol laws that were used to slaughter 56,000,000 people:


Be safe, Be smart, and above all be armed!


It all depends on how ‘criminal’ is defined. We’ve already seen veterans redefined as domestic terrorists by DHS.

Junior AG

The Brady Bunch & BATFE don’t seem to understand that folks with CNC machinery, lathes, etc. can crank out functional weaponry with ease.

Home made ammo is a fly in the ointment, esp. primers & copper jacketed rounds but is doable if there’s a demand for it!