Matthis Lies

| June 15, 2011

None of our regulars will find anything new in this video from Matthis Lies, but it pulls together much of what we told you about on this blog over the last three years into a single video.

Matthis Lies has done an excellent job of encapsulating our complaints and laying out the case against Matthis into a twelve minute video. This is something we can send to people who’ve never heard of him and make them aware of who he really is and who he associates with.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Robert Chiroux

I have viewed the 12 minute video and have a few comments about it and the previous post. First of all the video makes no accusations that aren’t being supported by the content of the video, except for one. The video states that Matthis had drug issues prior to his enlistment as well as selling drugs on a school playground. I can confirm my son had very serious issues with drugs, albiet mostly marijuana combined with a total lack of discretion. All these issues are documented in his juvenile file which remains sealed, at this time. One example of his behavior included purloining his 95’ish year old great-grandmother’s pain medication. As for the video I have no idea as to whom is its creator and would prefer not to know. On a different note I noticed my son’s fiance, alex, commented several times in the previous post. As I have said before she loves my son and believes he has the capacity to love her. It is not unreasonable that she would come to his aid and I discourage exchanges with her. I believe a relationship matures when we know the worst things about our mate and love them anyway. In my opinion her relationship with my son has yet to mature. I wish her the best. To conclude my son states in the video that he has considered suicide many times and fears one day he will take his own life. I believe he is telling the truth and hope instead he chooses to change his path, follow through and marry his fiance, focus on her, his education and “quietly” helping those he purports to care for.

One Ninja

People need to share this video with everyone and every school he has gone too.

B'emet Or



Proof that some people in our society truly have no concept of shame. At all.

I had to take a shower after this.


Oh shit, I read this headline and thought, “What have you guys got against Chaos?”

Then I read further, and I have to ask since I was not aware of this shit heel’s existence until about 60 seconds ago, WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY!?

He’s going to schools and speaking against the war!? Jesus fuck, why is this guy still breathing!?


My first response while watching the flag burning protest was Déjà vu. But this is no “feeling” like I’ve been there moment. Oh heck no, more like a 1968 same/same different day moment. Anyone got the coordinates on the rock these people live and breed under? Just wondering…..

Thank you for the heads up…I will pass this on…


Anon#5: Grab a beer and a comfortable chair, and type Matthis in ‘search this site’. Like watching a train wreck in slow-mo.

One Ninja

Damn! They, he, whoever, just uploaded a bunch more…


spoken like a true mother, donna marie

Anonymous in Jax

Damn, this guy (or girl) has been BUSY!


[…] StrikeFO makes the valid point that maybe if teachers spent less time introducing their students to people like Matthis and more time actually teaching relevant material, our students would be a bit brighter. It’s […]


Is this why he deactivated his facebook?


Who is this crack pot in the video? Why is he around school children if he has raped people?!


I’m not even halfway through this, and already I’d be perfectly happy to drown in the secretions I’m throwing up.