So what would you ask the GOP candidates?

| June 13, 2011

A member of our small community has been asked to attend the New Hampshire GOP debate being broadcast by CNN tonight. He may have an opportunity to ask the candidates a question – so he’s asking us to give him some ideas for questions.

So what would you ask the candidates if you had the chance? In fact, this might be your chance.

Category: Politics

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After eight years of spending year after year, setting us up on the path to fiscal ruin, why should we trust you now?

Dave Thul

“Since single party control of the White House and Congress is a once in a generation occurrence, who are you going to persuade the other party to help you undo 4 years of damage by Obama?”


Which one of the panel members is either a closet homosexual, or has been sleeping with the help.

Itd be good to know now before the real campaigning starts is all..


I was tempted to ask Dr. Nutz when his other testicle is gonna drop and his voice deepen a bit, but that would be too cruel.

USMC Steve

Not totally sure of the specific questions, but the litmus points as to whether or not we should support them would be (not necessarily in this order):

1. Stop illegal immigration and hammer the illegals back across the border.

2. Break all unions in this country. Pass Federal legislation making every state a right to work state.

3. Turn the economy around.

4. Break the Federal Government, downsize it and bend it to the will of the American People, whom it works for.

5. Privatize and repair Social Security.

6. End welfare, foodstamps and all other free ride programs, or at the least mandate that if you are on them, you report daily for work details of the lowest, nastiest order, and piss tests twice a month. Cost of processing comes out of your funds.

7. End Federal income tax, and develop a national sales tax of around 8 to 10 percent on all goods and no one gets exempted.

8. Kill of socialized medical care programs such as the Obamacare abortion.

This is a start, but generally if they will not go for all this stuff, they aren’t getting my support.


Seriously, having been exposed to this format before (ain’t it great living in NH?) it’s usually a 15-20 second soundbite type of question. Here’s what I’m kind of leaning towards:

Active military received a 1.4 percent payraise this year. Retirees received NO COLA increase. Coupled with the increase in Tricare premiums, our service members are losing money. How would you work with the Congress to ensure our men and women are adequately compensated for their sacrifice, including ensuring adequate healthcare for our retirees and wounded veterans?

Tweak as you see fit.

John Curmudgeon

Why do you want to turn this country into a plutarchy?

Midnight Clad

Out of these three topics that were changed during Obamas tenure what would you change and why; Don’t ask, don’t tell, our missle defense policy, and the cuts Def Sec Gates made in the military?


USMC Steve: Consider running?